Data for the CMSSW RecoHGCal/TICL package
- TensorFlow:
: TensorFlow model for trackster energy regression and particle ID.v0
: Simple CNN-based approach. The neutral pion, neutral hadron, ambiguous and unknown probabilities are set to a constant value of 0. See the talk at the Reco/AT meeting for more info. Input and output tensors:"input"
: Input tensor with dimensionbatch x 50 (layers) x 10 (clusters) x 3 (features)
: Output tensor with dimensionbatch x 8
representing particle ID "probabilities" (from a softmax output). The probabiltities refer to photon, electron, muon, neutral pion, charged hadron, neutral hadron, ambiguous and unknown cases (in that order)."output/regressed_energy"
: Output tensor with dimensionbatch x 1
representing the regressed energy value for the trackster.
: TensorFlow model for trackster energy regression- DEPRECATED
- This model tries to learn correction coefficients for different parts of the detector (e.g. CEE-120µm, CEH-Fine-300 µm, CEH-Coarse-Scintillators, etc.)
- Each coefficient is implemented as a very small dense neural network with the energy sum of its category and the position (η) as input.
- This network has been trained on layerClusters without pattern recognition. It is therefore expected that it wil perform poorly (response < 1) in any scenario after any pattern recognition has been applied. Better solutions are work in progress, so consider this as a temporary place holder to implement the functionality.
: TensorFlow model for trackster energy regression- for functionality: see above
- this model is trained on hadronic single particle events (Klong)
- Input: sum of all energies of different detector parts in an event after pattern recognition
- Ouput: Regressed energy assuming all energy deposits originate from a single particle
- IMPORTANT: This is not trained on individual tracksters (Work in progress) and since it is by design not linear in the energy input it will give different (i.e. worse) results if a particle is split into multiple tracksters.
: Tensorflow model trained on tracksters- Big difference: This model is trained to predict the energy correctly on trackster level, not on event level
- For inference there is no fundamental change
- The expected input variable are now
$f_0, ..., f9, \eta, E_{raw}, p_0, ..., p1$
where$f_i = E_i / E_{raw}
are the ID probabilities