$ cp cluster-def.template cluster-def.sh
$ vi cluster-def.sh
You need the ip-addresses and ssh keys for the four vm's in the two regions
$ ./config-drivers.sh
NOTE: don't forget you must open up port 5432 on these 2 servers so they will be able to talk to each other for replication & be reachable from the driver nodes
$ ./config-nodes.sh
$ ./cssh.sh driver1-1, node1-1, driver2-1, node2-1 (hit <enter> for 1st time warning)
sudo mkfs -t ext4 $device
if [ ! -d /db ]; then
sudo mkdir /db
sudo mount $device /db
sudo chmod 777 /db
automatically mount the EBS volume after Reboot as per:
sudo reboot
$ ./cssh.sh driver1-1
$ cd $RMT
$ cat README.md