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View the live project here
- User Experience
- Features
- Design
- Testing
- Bugs
- Deployment
- Technologies used
- Credits
- Contact
- Acknowledgments
The goal of this website is to provide information about dental practice services offered, location, contact information also users and staff with the ability to create an account for the purpose of creating, viewing, updating and deleting appointments.
Significant amount of time was devoted to planing the layout and structure of the agile board.
Having a meeting by myself and changing the hat from product owner to user and then to developer was decided to use Github projects as a agile tool for the Lovely smiles dental PP4 project.
From the time remaining to submit a working project was decided to split the development into 5 iteration each lasting 1 week.
After the project scope was clearly defined, following the process of creating milestones/epics, I added User Stories and Tasks to the Backlog and prioritized them using M.o.S.C.o.W prioritization technique and assigned them to the appropriate milestone/epic and iteration.
Lovely Smiles Dental Github project
Bellow are screenshots of Agile planing, prioritization and development:
Tasks: Install Django and dependencies (libraries) #4
- Install Django
- Install libraries
- Create a requirements.txt file
- Create the project
- Create the app
- Make database migration
- Test locally in the browser to confirm successful Django installation
Issue: Early deployment to Heroku #5
- Task 1 - Create Heroku app
- Task 2 - Attach the PosgreSQL database to the Heroku app
- Task 3 - Prepare environment and files
- Task 4 - Add new SECRET_KEY to and to Heroku
- Task 5 - Connect PosgreSQL database in the
- Task 6 - Make database migration
- Task 7 - Disable STATIC_ROOT on Heroku by adding DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC=1 to Config Vars
- Task 8 - Add Procfile
As a user I can view site content so that what is the purpose of the site and what benefits it can offer
Acceptance Criteria:
- 1: Base template for all pages completed
- 2: If the users have accessed a page that doesn't exist - a 404 error page is displayed
- 3: If an internal server error occurs - a 500 error page is displayed
As a user I can navigate to different pages so that I can see the content on that page
Acceptance Criteria:
- 1: A functioning navigation menu that takes the user to specific pages when clicked
- 2: Menu should be responsive so that it provides an intuitive way of navigating the site regardless of the device used
- 3: Logo in the top left corner should link back to the homepage
As a user I can find links to social media sites so that I can engage with service provider on popular social media sites
Acceptance Criteria:
- 1: A footer with social media icons that takes the user to specific sites when clicked
- 2: Footer should be responsive regardless of the device being used
- 3: Link to the Github page of the developer should be displayed as well
As a user I can easily find contact information so that I can contact the owner if I am interested in the services offered
Acceptance Criteria:
1: Address, email address and phone number should be displayed clearly on the homepage
2: When clicked on mobile each contact option should open in the specific app:
- Phone number should open in the phone app
- Email address should open in the mail app
- Address should open in the map app
As a user I can find specific benefits offered by this particular service provider so that receive those benefits
Acceptance Criteria:
- 1: A list of benefits should be displayed on the homepage
As a user I can find services offered page so that I can decide if I need those services
Acceptance Criteria:
- 1: Every service should have a image that is intuitive to the user
- 2: Every service should have a short description of the service
- 3: Every service should have a button that takes the user to the make appointment page
As a user I can find service provider on a map so that easily find my way to specified address
Acceptance Criteria:
- 1: A minimized map is displayed on the page with address of the service provider populated
As a user I can find opening hours for service provider so that I can know when to make an appointment
Acceptance Criteria:
- 1: Opening hours for the whole week displayed on the page
As a user I can register an account so that I can access the full range of features on the site
Acceptance Criteria:
- 1: User can register an account
- 2: A login button should be displayed bellow the registration form to take the user to the login page
- 3: User is redirected to the services page after registration
As a registered user I can login and logout of the site so that I can access manage my appointments
Acceptance Criteria:
- 1: User can login and logout of site
- 2: User is redirected to the services page after login
- 3: User is redirected to the homepage after logout
- 4: When an unregistered user press Book or Make an appointment buttons - he/she is redirected to the Register page
- 5: When a logged-in user press the Logout button - a confirmation screen should appear and ask the user to confirm the logout
As a logged-in user I can make an appointment so that I can receive the services offered by the service provider
Acceptance Criteria:
- 1: Only logged-in user can see Make appointment page
- 2: The form cannot be submitted if the required fields are not correctly completed
- 3: An appointment cannot be outside of working hours or in the past
As a logged-in user I can manage an appointment (CRUD functionality) so that I can receive the services offered by the service provider at a convenient time
Acceptance Criteria:
- 1: Logged-in user can view any appointments he/she made on the Make appointment page in a separate page called Appointments
- 2: Logged-in user can create, read, update and delete (CRUD functionality) appointments from the appointments page.
As a user I can view alerts and feedback messages so that I can be sure when task/action has been completed successfully or not
Acceptance Criteria:
- 1: User can see feedback alerts of successful log-in/out and when performing (CRUD) actions
- 2: If the alert does not dismisses by itself, user should be able to close it manually
As a user/logged-in user/admin I can use the website for its intended purpose so that I accomplish the required task/goal
Acceptance Criteria:
- 1: Website loads quickly (depending on the internet speed) and all pages work as intended
- 2: Website does not have any errors or images not displaying
- 3: All images have alt attribute
- Issue: Complete all the testing necessary and attempt to correct any errors that may arise
- Issue: Deploy the website to Heroku
- Issue: Complete readme documentation
This page welcomes any potential user. It has a hero image of a woman smiling - hinting to the user that the user may have this as well if he/ she decides to avail of the services offered by this dental practice. In the center of the page there is a jumbotron with a greeting message and a call to action - to make an appointment (consultation is free).
At the top of the page the user can find the navbar. On the left the logo of the practice is displayed. If clicked - takes the user to homepage. And on the right the navigation links. Navigation menu is visible on all pages. Navigation links change depending on user's logged in status:
The navigation links available for guest (not logged in):
- Home
- Services
- Appointments ( the user can see the link but if clicked - the user has to login first in order to see the appointments)
- Register
- Login
The navigation links that are available for logged in users and staff:
- Home
- Services
- Appointments
- Make Appointment
- Logout
USER STORY: Contact information
Bellow the jumbotron the user can see contact details: email, phone and address. If the user clicks on any of them he/she will be redirected to specific app (both on desktop or mobile):
- Phone number -> Phone App
- Email -> Email App
- Address -> Maps App
Below the contact section the user can find Specific Benefits section. The user may decide to avail of these benefits if making an appointment.
A mini-map with dental practice location and a table with opening hours is displayed on the homepage.
USER STORY: Footer and social media
And lastly in the bottom of the page ( footer) the user can see who developed this site and find different social links of the developer. Footer is visible on all pages.
On the services page the user can find out more information about services offered by the dental practice. Each service offered has a short description, an image associated with that service and a button that takes the user to the Make Appointment page. Services are available as an drop down option when making an appointment. All services are:
- Consultation
- Bridges
- Crowns
- Fillings
- Root canal treatment
- Scale and polish
- Braces
- Wisdom tooth removal
- Dental implants
- Dentures or false teeth
- Teeth whitening
- Dental veneers
Due to the fact that this is a demo website, I decided to go for a simpler registration process. Registration is handled by Django library Allauth and it is done using username and password. Email is optional and back-end functionality to receive emails was not activated.
Upon successful registration the user is redirected to services page.
Login page requires username and password that were selected/provided during registration. Upon successful registration user is redirected to services page. If the user pressed Appointments link in the Navigation menu prior to be logged in or registered - the user will be redirected to the appointments page after successful registration or sign in.
Make Appointments Page can be view by a logged in user. Here the user can make an appointment that he/she may need. Placeholders are in place to aid the user in filling out the form correctly. Form validation is in place for each input option.
The user is presented with a form that takes some basic information:
- Patient name - max 45 caracters
- Phone number - uses django-phonenumber-field library for validation
- Dentist - a drop-down menu of dentists, by default Dr. Becket
- Service - a drop-down menu of services, by default Consultation
- Date - uses bootstrap_datepicker_plus library to enter the date
- Time - uses bootstrap_datepicker_plus library to enter the time
USER STORY: Manage appointment
Appointments Page can be view by a logged in user. Here the user can see the upcoming appointments that he/she may have. The user can see the appointment up until present day, if the appointment is past due the user cannot longer see it.
A user with staff status (which can be assigned to any registered user from the Django Admin panel) can see future appointments for all users and also can see past due appointments up to 5 days in the past for the purpose of editing or deleting them.
A feedback message is displayed for 2 seconds at the top of the page to let the user know that action was successful. If for any reason the javascript code will not work and the feedback message will not be dismissed automatically then the user can manually disable the message by pressing the X button on the right side of the message.
Feedback messages that disappear automatically:
- Register : "Successfully sign in as {username}"
- Sign in : "Successfully sign in as {username}"
- Logout: "You have sign out"
- Successful created appointment: "Appointment confirmed for {patient_name} on {date} at {time}""
- Successful updated appointment: "Successfully updated appointment for {patient_name} on {date} at {time}"
- Successful deleted appointment: "Appointment deleted!"
Feedback messages that stay on until user closes them by pressing X button:
- Appointment outside of working hours: "Invalid time - Hours for appointments are : Mon-Fri: 8am-5pm, Sat: 8am-1pm"
- Appointment cannot be in the past: "Invalid date or time - Appointment cannot be in the past"
Wireframes were made using Balsamiq. During development effort was put in to make the final website look and function as described in wireframe.
A custom data model for Appointments was set up. Bellow is the data model and Entity Relationship Diagram created with DBeaver Universal Database Tool:
After the initial Django setup, database was migrated to Heroku Postgres.
Google font Latto was used for the website.
Contrast checker tool from was used to find a good contrast ratio (Contrast Ratio: 8.16 / 1).
USER STORY: Website works as intended
Chrome Developer Tools and Pesticide Chrome extension was regularly used during development to test responsiveness on different screen sizes.
To make the website responsive Bootstrap 4 and CSS was used.
Responsiveness for different screen sizes can be seen in the features section above.
Code passed official W3C Validator testing.
Css passed official W3C Validator testing. There were no mistakes in my CSS.
Due to the fact that CSS is stored on Cloudinary when testing the CSS by URI a cloudinary Bad Request comes out. If you click on the cloudinary link -> copy CSS and then test by pasting the code directly in W3C validator then no mistakes are found, only some warnings relating to bootstrap.
The alert function was tested with No mistakes found.
The code was tested with pycodestyle extension in Gitpod. No mistakes found.
Few generic Django lines of code are showing a warning of "Line too long". When i tied to make the lines shorter by indenting them with \ or "" python methods - Django breaks and cannot run any code.
Same with cloudinary code on line 141.
Since this is generic Django code it was left as it is.
Pages were tested with Chrome Developer Tools using the Lighthouse resource.
Accessibility was tested during development using Wave Chrome extension and after final deployment was tested with
Functional Testing can be view in
Pages behave as expected in all browsers tested. The website was tested in Chrome, Firefox, Brave Browser, Edge and Opera.
Error: That port is already in use Fix
Error during migration. Was fixed by moving allauth installed apps to the bottom of the list in
- Place html templates inside the app folder
- Add allauth email settings ( was getting 500 Error if user imputed email during registration)
- Add iframe title to improve accessibility score
- Remove Logo image alt attribute (as suggested by W3C HTML validator)
- Responsiveness of Appointments table does not look the best on devices with width lower than 385 pixels.
There are ways to address this (ex: transpose table ) but to to the time constraints it was not addressed in current release.
Following the advice of our instructor 'deploy early to avoid problems down the line' the website was deployed to Heroku after initial installation. Steps taken are described here:
Epic: Create initial Django Setup
By mistake I installed Django 4 and started to have some dependencies issues and installed Django 3.2 instead.
The site was deployed to Heroku. The steps to deploy are as follows:
- Navigate to Heroku and create an account
- Click the new button in the top right corner
- Select create new app
- Enter app name
- Select region and click create app
- Click the resources tab and search for Heroku Postgres
- Select hobby dev and continue
- Go to the settings tab and then click reveal config vars
- Add the following config vars:
- SECRET_KEY: (Your secret key)
- DATABASE_URL: (This can be found in Heroku Postgres settings)
- CLOUNDINARY_URL: (cloudinary api url)
- Click the deploy tab
- Select Deployment method -> GitHub and sign in / authorize when prompted
- In the search box, find the repository you want to deploy and click connect
- Scroll down to Manual deploy and choose the main branch
- Click deploy
- For ease of use Automatic Deploy can be enabled
- Scroll to the top right corner and press Open App to open newly deployed app
- If the build fails -> click the resources tab
- Click View build log and try to find out why it failed and how it can be fixed was used as IDE and for Git version control.
After the initial Django setup a Git branch called develop was used as development branch.
Code was regularly committed to the develop branch and only after a user story or a acceptance criteria was working locally a Pull Request was opened on and code from develop branch was merged into main branch.
Here's few steps how to clone the repository:
- Navigate to GitHub repository
- In the GitHub repository, press the "Code" drop-down button located in the top right
- From the drop-down menu choose one of the options: HTTPS, SSH, GitHub CLI
- Use this link to clone repository in your environment
- Another option is to press "Download ZIP" to download repository to your PC
Or if you wan to fork it, straight from the repository - go to the top right corner and press - Fork
- HTML5 for the contents and structure of the website.
- CSS3 for the styling and animations.
- JS timed message functions.
- Cloudinary for static files and media.
- Balsamiq for wireframing.
- GitHub as a remote repository.
- was used as IDE and git version control.
- Heroku to deploy the website/app.
- Chrome, Firefox, Brave Browser, Edge and Opera for browser testing the responsiveness.
- Chrome Developer Tools for testing screen sizes and using Lighthouse.
- to create logo.
- to create a favicon.
- Markdown Monster for writing readme.
- Grepper Chrome extension for finding code.
- Wave Chrome extension to check web accessibility.
- to check web accessibility score.
- Pesticide Chrome extension during development.
- Unicorn Revealer Chrome extension during development.
- Multi Device Website Mockup Generator for testing and to make responsive image.
- Django Secret Key Generator for generating secure Django key
- Blur image for hero image
- Image converter for optimizing images
- Bootstrap 4 for responsive design
- DBeaver Universal Database Tool for data model and Entity Relationship Diagram.
- Libraries:
- django-bootstrap-datepicker as a datetime picker
- django-phonenumber-field to check validity of phone number input
- django-allauth for authentication, registration and account management
- gunicorn 20.1.0 http server
What's the best way to store a phone number in Django models?
Images were taken from
A list of dental procedures were taken from
My name is Petru Chelban I am a full-stack software developer student at Code Institute, where I am pursuing Diploma in Full Stack Software Development.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any additional information about this project or wish to discuss work/collaboration opportunities.
A big shout out to Code Institute for providing me with the opportunity to create this project.
I'd like to thank my mentor Daisy McGirr for invaluable guidance and for reviewing my website.