Peter A. Stockwell
Dept of Pathology,
University of Otago,
Dunedin, New Zealand.
[email protected]
These programs have been written in the course of work on differential CpG methylation of the human genome and represent a series of tools for preparing, modifying and analysing these data. The work has particularly focussed on reduced representation (RR) bisulphite sequencing (RRBS) as in Meissner, et al., 2008, Nature, 454, 766-770, Smith, et al., 2009) Methods, 48, 226-232 and Gu, et al., 2011, Nature Protocols, 6, 468-481. This software should, none-the-less, have wider application than that.
This is research software so that it is not necessarily easy to use, although it should work correctly as intended. It works from a Unix (MacOS X) or Linux command line interface: the notes below describe the functionality and format of intermediate files where appropriate. This code has been generated and tested on a MacOS X system (10.6 to 10.10) using gcc v4.2.1 to v4.9.3and on various Linux platforms (RedHat, Centos, Fedora, Ubuntu) but is written to compile and run on any appropriate C compiler and environment. The size of files and data required for this work will generally require a 64 bit environment. Awk scripts have been developed for the Gnu AWK (gawk) distributed with MacOS X but, again, they should run in other comparable environments.
Some of the SW is mentioned in:
Chatterjee, A., Stockwell, P.A., Rodger, E.J. and Morison, I,M., Comparison of alignment software for genome-wide bisulphite sequence data, Nucleic Acids Research, doi:10.1093/nar/gks150, (2012).
Chatterjee, A., Rodger, E.J., Stockwell, P.A., Weeks R.J., Morison, I.M*. “Technical considerations for reduced representation bisulfite sequencing with multiplexed libraries” Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology, (2012).
and is extensively described in
Stockwell, P.A., Chatterjee, A., Rodger, E.J. and Morison, I.M. "DMAP: Differential Methylation Analysis Package for RRBS and WGBS data" Bioinformatics (2014) DOI: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btu126.
Prerequisites: cleanadaptors V1.22 and later require zlib, preferably 1.2.5 or later, for data compression. This is available from and should be built and installed in accordance with instructions.
diffmeth 1.60 and later also require zlib in order to process bam files. An option exists to build diffmeth without zlib, but then input is limited to sam files or CpG position lists.
Distribution: source code is distributed as a compressed tar archive or as a git clone. There are two options:
- Downloading from will generate a local file which can be unpacked with:
generating a directory DMAP-master containing three directories:
include - containing some of the generic header files
data - containing contam.fa - the complete cleanadaptors data set
src - containing the rest of the source code and Makefile.
- Using 'git clone' which will download the DMAP directory:
In either case the set can be built with the following commands:
cd DMAP-master/src
cd DMAP/src
Some warnings may appear but these can be ignored. The executables will be in the src directory - no install targets are provided, the completed executables (rmapbsbed2cpg bin_cnts scan_cpg_depth mkrrgenome cleanadaptors) should be manually copied to an appropriate directory (e.g. /usr/local/bin). The awk scripts are in the src directory and may similarly be copied somewhere useful.
If the diffmeth compile fails through the lack of zlib, then this should be obtained and installed ( If that is not possible then you can build the program without zlib, but it will not be able to read bam files. To do this:
make diffmeth_nozlib
and rename the diffmeth_nozlib executable to diffmeth if required.
Documentation for the set is present in the file progs_doc.txt which resides in the top level of the directories.
A user guide for the package along with other software is present in RRBS_process_guideMkII.pdf