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fix: http codec tests working, aside sig tests #13
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samcamwilliams committed Jan 15, 2025
1 parent 563cee0 commit d663911
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Showing 3 changed files with 36 additions and 187 deletions.
7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion src/hb_codec_converge.erl
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Expand Up @@ -137,9 +137,14 @@ encode_value(Value) ->

%% @doc Convert non-binary values to binary for serialization.
decode_value(Type, Value) when is_list(Type) ->
decode_value(list_to_binary(Type), Value);
decode_value(Type, Value) when is_binary(Type) ->
decode_value(integer, Value) ->
Expand Down
212 changes: 28 additions & 184 deletions src/hb_codec_http.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -48,8 +48,8 @@
-define(CRLF, <<"\r\n">>).
-define(DOUBLE_CRLF, <<?CRLF/binary, ?CRLF/binary>>).

%%% @doc Convert an HTTP Message into a TABM.
%%% HTTP Structured Field is encoded into it's equivalent TABM encoding.
%% @doc Convert an HTTP Message into a TABM.
%% HTTP Structured Field is encoded into it's equivalent TABM encoding.
from(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) -> Bin;
from(#{ headers := Headers, body := Body }) when is_map(Headers) ->
from(#{ headers => maps:to_list(Headers), body => Body });
Expand All @@ -59,9 +59,7 @@ from(#{ headers := Headers, body := Body }) ->
% Next, we need to potentially parse the body and add to the TABM
% potentially as additional key-binary value pairs, or as sub-TABMs
{_, ContentType} = find_header(Headers, <<"Content-Type">>),
Map1 = from_body(Map, ContentType, Body),
Map2 = maps:remove(<<"Content-Type">>, Map1),
maps:remove(<<"Content-Type">>, from_body(Map, ContentType, Body)).

from_headers(Map, Headers) -> from_headers(Map, Headers, Headers).
from_headers(Map, [], _) -> Map;
Expand All @@ -70,94 +68,17 @@ from_headers(Map, [{Name, Value} | Rest], Headers) ->
% Handled as part of "Signature" so simply skip it
<<"Signature-Input">> -> Map;
<<"signature-input">> -> Map;

<<"Signature">> ->
{_, SigInput} = find_header(Headers, <<"Signature-Input">>),
from_signature(Map, Value, SigInput);
<<"signature">> ->
{_, SigInput} = find_header(Headers, <<"Signature-Input">>),
from_signature(Map, Value, SigInput);
% Decode the header as normal
N -> from_pair(Map, {N, Value})
N -> maps:put(N, Value, Map)
from_headers(NewMap, Rest, Headers).

%%% @doc attempt to parse the value as a structured field
%%% First as an SF Item,
%%% then an SF Dictionary,
%%% then an SF List.
%%% If parsing is unsuccessful, simply use the raw value
from_pair(Map, {Name, Value}) when is_binary(Value) ->
Parsed = case to_sf(Value) of
% item()
{item, Item} ->
% TODO: reserialize back to item?
% [{binary(), item()}]
{dict, Pairs} ->
% erlang:display({dDict, Pairs}),
Map_Pairs = lists:foldl(
fun ({MapKey, Item}, Acc) -> [{MapKey, from_sf_item(Item)} | Acc] end,
% [item()]
{list, List} ->
?no_prod("Is this proper way to Map encode a list?"),
% erlang:display({dList, List}),
({item, BareItem, []}) -> from_sf_bare_item(BareItem);
% Re-encode to preserve original binary
(Item) -> iolist_to_binary( hb_http_structured_fields:item(Item))
% Not able to parse into an SF, so just set the key to the binary
_ ->
% erlang:display({dBinary, Value}),
maps:put(Name, Parsed, Map).

to_sf(Raw) when is_binary(Raw) ->
Parsers = [
{item, fun hb_http_structured_fields:parse_item/1},
{dict, fun hb_http_structured_fields:parse_dictionary/1},
{list, fun hb_http_structured_fields:parse_list/1}
to_sf(Parsers, Raw).
to_sf([], _Raw) ->
{error, undefined};
to_sf([{Type, Parser} | Rest], Raw) ->
case catch Parser(Raw) of
% skip parsers that fail
{'EXIT', _} -> to_sf(Rest, Raw);
Parsed -> {Type, Parsed}

from_sf_item(Item = {item, _BareItem, _Params}) ->
case Item of
{item, BareItem, []} -> from_sf_bare_item(BareItem);
{item, _, _} ->
?no_prod("How do we handle SF Params?"),
% Re-encode to preserve original binary

from_sf_bare_item (BareItem) ->
case BareItem of
I when is_integer(I) -> I;
B when is_boolean(B) -> B;
D = {decimal, _} -> list_to_float(hb_http_structured_fields:bare_item(D));
{string, S} -> S;
{token, T} -> binary_to_existing_atom(T);
{binary, B} -> B

from_signature(Map, RawSig, RawSigInput) ->
SfSigs = hb_http_structured_fields:parse_dictionary(RawSig),
SfInputs = hb_http_structured_fields:parse_dictionary(RawSigInput),
Expand All @@ -173,8 +94,7 @@ from_signature(Map, RawSig, RawSigInput) ->

SigMap = lists:foldl(
fun({PName, PBareItem}, PAcc) ->
PValue = from_sf_bare_item(PBareItem),
maps:put(PName, PValue, PAcc)
maps:put(PName, PBareItem, PAcc)
#{ <<"signature">> => Sig, <<"inputs">> => Inputs },
% Signature parameters are converted into top-level keys on the signature Map
Expand All @@ -194,7 +114,10 @@ find_header(Headers, Name) ->
find_header(Headers, Name, Opts) when is_list(Headers) ->
Matcher = case lists:member(strict, Opts) of
true -> fun ({N, _Value}) -> N =:= Name end;
_ -> fun ({N, _Value}) -> hb_util:to_lower(N) =:= hb_util:to_lower(Name) end
_ ->
fun ({N, _Value}) ->
hb_util:to_lower(N) =:= hb_util:to_lower(Name)
case lists:filter(Matcher, Headers) of
[] -> {undefined, undefined};
Expand All @@ -206,27 +129,14 @@ find_header(Headers, Name, Opts) when is_list(Headers) ->

dequote(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) ->
Rest = case Bin of
<<"\"", R/binary>> -> R;
B -> B
Str = binary_to_list(Rest),
Trimmed = case lists:suffix("\"", Str) of
true ->
[_ | Trim] = lists:reverse(Str),
_ -> Rest

from_body(TABM, _ContentType, <<>>) -> TABM;
from_body(TABM, ContentType, Body) ->
{item, {_, _BodyType}, Params} = hb_http_structured_fields:parse_item(ContentType),
{item, {_, _BodyType}, Params} =
case lists:keyfind(<<"boundary">>, 1, Params) of
% The body is not a multipart, so just set as is to the Body key on the TABM
false ->
from_pair(TABM, {<<"Body">>, Body});
maps:put(<<"Body">>, Body, TABM);
% We need to manually parse the multipart body into key/values on the TABM
{_, {_Type, Boundary}} ->
% Find the sub-part of the body within the boundary
Expand All @@ -235,7 +145,6 @@ from_body(TABM, ContentType, Body) ->
{Start, SL} = binary:match(Body, BegPat),
{End, _} = binary:match(Body, EndPat),
BodyPart = binary:part(Body, Start + SL, End - (Start + SL)),

Parts = binary:split(BodyPart, [<<"--", Boundary/binary>>], [global]),
% Finally, for each body part, we need to parse it into its
% own HTTP Message, then recursively convert into a TABM
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -278,8 +187,7 @@ append_body_part(TABM, Part) ->
% so we separate off from the rest of the headers
{AllContentDisposition, RestHeaders} = lists:partition(
({<<"Content-Disposition">>, _}) -> true;
({<<"content-disposition">>, _}) -> true;
({Str, _}) -> hb_util:to_lower(Str) =:= <<"content-disposition">>;
(_) -> false
Expand All @@ -306,36 +214,25 @@ to(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) -> Bin;
to(TABM) when is_map(TABM) ->
% PublicMsg = hb_private:reset(TABM),
% MinimizedMsg = hb_message:minimize(PublicMsg),
Map = hb_codec_converge:to(TABM),
Http = maps:fold(
% Signatures (note abbr. & case-insensitivity) are mapped according to RFC-9421
(<<"signatures">>, Signatures, Http) -> signatures_to_http(Http, Signatures);
(<<"Signatures">>, Signatures, Http) -> signatures_to_http(Http, Signatures);
(<<"signature">>, Signature, Http) -> signatures_to_http(Http, [Signature]);
(<<"Signature">>, Signature, Http) -> signatures_to_http(Http, [Signature]);

% Body (note case-insensitivity) is mapped into a multipart according to RFC-7578
(<<"body">>, Body, Http) -> body_to_http(Http, Body);
(<<"Body">>, Body, Http) -> body_to_http(Http, Body);

% All other values are encoded as an HTTP Structured Fields.
% non-map/list is encoded as an HTTP Structured Field Item
(Name, Value, Http) when not (is_map(Value) orelse is_list(Value)) ->
{ok, Item} = hb_http_structured_fields:to_item(Value),
field_to_http(Http, {Name, iolist_to_binary(hb_http_structured_fields:item(Item))}, #{});
% Further mapping of lists and maps delegated to field_to_http
(Name, Value, Http) -> field_to_http(Http, {Name, Value}, #{})
fun(RawKey, Value, Http) ->
Key = hb_converge:key_to_binary(RawKey),
case hb_util:to_lower(Key) of
<<"body">> -> body_to_http(Http, Value);
<<"signature">> -> signatures_to_http(Http, [Value]);
<<"signatures">> -> signatures_to_http(Http, Value);
_ -> field_to_http(Http, {Key, Value}, #{})
#{ headers => [], body => #{} },
Body = maps:get(body, Http),
NewHttp = case maps:size(Body) of
0 -> maps:put(body, <<>>, Http);
_ ->
?no_prod("What should the Boundary be?"),
Boundary = base64:encode(crypto:strong_rand_bytes(8)),
{ok, RawBoundary} = dev_message:id(TABM),
Boundary = hb_util:encode(RawBoundary),
% Transform body into a binary, delimiting each part with the Boundary
BodyList = maps:fold(
fun (_, BodyPart, Acc) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -410,64 +307,12 @@ body_to_http(Http, Body) when is_binary(Body) ->
Disposition = <<"Content-Disposition: inline">>,
field_to_http(Http, {<<"body">>, Body}, #{ disposition => Disposition, where => body }).

field_to_http(Http, {Name, Map}, Opts) when is_map(Map) ->
MaybeEncoded = case catch hb_http_structured_fields:to_dictionary(Map) of
{'EXIT', _} ->
{false, undefined};
{ok, Sf} ->
% Check the size of the encoded value, and signal to store
% as a Structured Field in the header
% Otherwise, we will need to convert the Map into
% its own HTTP message and then append as a part of the parent's multi-part body
% TODO: haven't been able to figure out how to distinguish bonafide structured fields from messages
% so skipping this optimization
% EncodedSf = iolist_to_binary(hb_http_structured_fields:dictionary(Sf)),
% Fits = byte_size(EncodedSf) =< ?MAX_HEADER_LENGTH,
% {Fits, EncodedSf};
{false, undefined};
_ ->
{false, undefined}
NormalizedName = hb_converge:key_to_binary(Name),
case MaybeEncoded of
{true, Encoded} ->
field_to_http(Http, {NormalizedName, Encoded}, Opts);
{false, _} ->
SubHttp = to(Map),
EncodedHttpMap = encode_http_msg(SubHttp),
field_to_http(Http, {Name, EncodedHttpMap}, maps:put(where, body, Opts))
field_to_http(Http, {Name, List}, Opts) when is_list(List) ->
MaybeEncoded = case catch hb_http_structured_fields:to_list(List) of
{'EXIT', _} ->
{false, undefined};
{ok, Sf} ->
% Check the size of the encoded value, and signal to store
% as a Structured Field in the header
% Otherwise, we can still use the Structured field encoding,
% but the value is appended as a part of the parent's multi-part body
EncodedSf = iolist_to_binary(hb_http_structured_fields:list(Sf)),
Fits = byte_size(EncodedSf) =< ?MAX_HEADER_LENGTH,
{Fits, EncodedSf};
_ ->
{false, undefined}
NormalizedName = hb_converge:key_to_binary(Name),
case MaybeEncoded of
{true, Encoded} ->
field_to_http(Http, {NormalizedName, Encoded}, Opts);
% Encode the SF list as a sub part, to be appended to the body
{false, Encoded} when is_binary(Encoded) ->
field_to_http(Http, {NormalizedName, Encoded}, maps:put(where, body, Opts));
{false, _} ->
?no_prod("how do we encode a list in HTTP message if it cannot be encoded as a structured field?"),
field_to_http(Http, {Name, Value}, Opts) when is_map(Value) ->
SubHttp = to(Value),
EncodedHttpMap = encode_http_msg(SubHttp),
field_to_http(Http, {Name, EncodedHttpMap}, maps:put(where, body, Opts));
field_to_http(Http, {Name, Value}, Opts) when is_binary(Value) ->
NormalizedName = hb_converge:key_to_binary(Name),

% The default location where the value is encoded within the HTTP
% message depends on its size.
Expand All @@ -477,7 +322,6 @@ field_to_http(Http, {Name, Value}, Opts) when is_binary(Value) ->
Fits when Fits =< ?MAX_HEADER_LENGTH -> headers;
_ -> maps:get(where, Opts, headers)

case maps:get(where, Opts, DefaultWhere) of
headers ->
Headers = maps:get(headers, Http),
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/hb_message.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -731,7 +731,7 @@ empty_string_in_tag_test(Codec) ->
%%% Test helpers

test_codecs() ->
[converge, tx, flat].
[converge, tx, flat, http].

generate_test_suite(Suite) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -776,4 +776,4 @@ message_suite_test_() ->

simple_test() ->

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