Deep learning-based single-cell analysis pipeline for FLuorescence multiplEX imaging via MELC (Multi-Epitope Ligand Cartography [1]).
Contact: Daria Lazic ([email protected])
The pipeline is based on methods for:
-image processing (registration, flat-field correction, retrospective multi-image illumination correction by CIDRE [2])
-cell and nucleus segmentation by Mask R-CNN [3], [4]
-feature extraction
-normalization by negative control secondary antibodies and RESTORE [5]
-single-cell analysis (Cytosplore [6], seaborn)
A compiled release with all necessary dependencies pre-installed is available from dockerhub. Nvidia-docker is required to run the image (for tensorflow-gpu support).
All requirements can be found here.
For interactive and quantitative analysis of single-cell data generated by DeepFLEX, we used:
- Cytosplore: an interactive tool for single-cell analysis (download here)
- Seaborn: a python data visualization library
Navigate to the code folder and run the script.
Download the MELC imaging data of our 8 samples here.
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