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Browser sample.legacy

Aaron Hanusa edited this page Mar 11, 2019 · 8 revisions

NOTE: the peasy-js legacy api has changed some from v.1.5.1. Please learn about the changes here.

This is the simplest possible example, which uses a reference to the peasy-js library and requires no transpilation or script loaders on your part. This complete sample can be viewed on plnkr.

If you would rather follow along using a package manager, feel free to install peasy-js with yarn or npm:

  • Install with yarn: yarn add peasy-js.
  • Install with npm: npm install peasy-js.

Start by creating the following html file (index.html) with the following snippet, which adds a script reference to peasy.js and the other files that we'll be creating:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script src="peasy.js"></script>
    <script src="personDataProxy.js"></script>
    <script src="personNameRule.js"></script>
    <script src="validCityRule.js"></script>
    <script src="personService.js"></script>
    <script src="example.js"></script>
    <h3>Run your console debugger to see the output</h3>

Next create a data proxy by creating a file (personDataProxy.js) with the following content:

// personDataProxy.js

var PersonDataProxy = function() {

  this._data = [];

  this.getById = function(id, done) {
    var person = this.findBy(id);
    done(null, person);

  this.getAll = function(done) {
    done(null, this._data);

  this.insert = function(data, done) { = this._data.length + 1;
    var newPerson = Object.assign({}, data);
    done(null, newPerson);

  this.update = function(data, done) {
    var person = this.findBy(;
    Object.assign(person, data);
    done(null, person);

  this.destroy = function(id, done) {
    var person = this.findBy(id);
    var index = this._data.indexOf(person);
    this._data.splice(index, 1);

  this.findBy = function(id) {
    var person = this._data.filter((function(p) {
      return === id;
    return person;


Then, create a business service file (personService.js), which exposes CRUD commands responsible for subjecting data proxy invocations to business rules before execution:

// personService.js

var PersonService = peasy.BusinessService.extend().service;

Now let's consume our PersonService by creating a file (example.js) with the following contents:

// example.js

var personService = new PersonService(new PersonDataProxy());
var command = personService.insertCommand({name: "James Morrison"});

command.execute(function(err, result) {
  if (result.success) {
    console.log(result.value); // prints the inserted object with the assigned id

Take a moment and run the application to view the output in your browser console (Note: you will see 404's returned for the files referenced in index.html that we have not yet created - they will disappear soon).

Let's create a business rule file (personNameRule.js) whose execution must be successful before the call to inject dataproxy.insert() function is invoked.

// personNameRule.js

var PersonNameRule = peasy.Rule.extend({
  association: "name", // optional
  params: ['name'],
  functions: {
    _onValidate: function(name, done) {
      if (name === "Jimi Hendrix") {
        this._invalidate("Name cannot be Jimi Hendrix");

And wire it up in our PersonService to ensure that it gets fired before inserts:

// personService.js

var PersonService = peasy.BusinessService.extend({
  functions: {
    _getRulesForInsertCommand: function(person, context, done) {
      done(null, new PersonNameRule(;

And update our testing code

// example.js

var dataProxy = new PersonDataProxy();
var personService = new PersonService(dataProxy);
var command = personService.insertCommand({name: "Jimi Hendrix"});

command.execute(function(err, result) {
  if (result.success) {
  } else {
    console.log(result.errors[0]); // prints {association: "name", message: "Name cannot be Jimi Hendrix"}

Take a moment and run the application to view the output in your browser console.

Let's create one more rule, just for fun:

// validCityRule.js

var ValidCityRule = peasy.Rule.extend({
  association: "city",
  params: ['city'],
  functions: {
    _onValidate: function(city, done) {
      if (city === "Nowhere") {
        this._invalidate("Nowhere is not a city");

We'll associate this one with inserts too:

// personService.js

var PersonService = peasy.BusinessService.extend({
  functions: {
    _getRulesForInsertCommand: function(context, done) {
      var person =;
      done(null, [
        new PersonNameRule(,
        new ValidCityRule(

And update our testing code

// example.js

var dataProxy = new PersonDataProxy();
var personService = new PersonService(dataProxy);
var command = personService.insertCommand({name: "Jimi Hendrix", city: "Nowhere"});

command.execute(function(err, result) {
  if (result.success) {
  } else {
    console.log(result.errors[0]); // prints {association: "name", message: "Name cannot be Jimi Hendrix"}
    console.log(result.errors[1]); // prints {association: "city", message: "Nowhere is not a city"}

Take a moment and run the application to view the output in your browser console.

Finally, let's pass in valid data and watch it be a success

// example.js

var dataProxy = new PersonDataProxy();
var personService = new PersonService(dataProxy);
var command = personService.insertCommand({name: "James Hendrix", city: "Madison"});

command.execute(function(err, result) {
  if (result.success) {
    console.log(result.value); // prints the inserted object with the assigned id
  } else {

Take a moment and run the application to view the output in your browser console.

Want to learn more?

  • View this sample in TypeScript.
  • View this sample in ES6 consuming it from a browser.js.
  • View this sample in ES6 consuming it from node.js.
  • You can read in-depth coverage about peasy-js on the wiki.
  • An entire business logic implementation using peasy-js can be viewed here. This sample application is an order entry / inventory management system written with peasy-js, react, angular (with TypeScript), mongoDB, nodejs, and express.
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