This JavaScript client gives you an easy way to install and interact with the Casper ERC-20 contract.
Run this command to install the client:
npm i casper-erc20-js-client
Create an instance of the ERC-20 client:
const erc20 = new ERC20Client(
http://localhost:11101, // RPC address
"casper-net-1", // Network name
"http://localhost:18101/events/main" // Event stream address
Install the contract:
const installDeployHash = await erc20.install(
KEYS, // Key pair used for signing
"ACME Token" // Name of the token
"ACME", // Token Symbol
11, // Token decimals
1000000000000000, // Token supply
200000000000, // Payment amount
"../erc20/target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/erc20_token.wasm" // Path to WASM file
Set the contract hash (a unique identifier for the network):
await erc20.setContractHash('hash-c2402c3d88b13f14390ff46fde9c06b8590c9e45a9802f7fb8a2674ff9c1e5b1');
Set functions (getters) to retrieve values:
const name = await;
const symbol = await erc20.symbol();
const totalSupply = await erc20.totalSupply();
const decimals = await erc20.decimals();
Transfer some tokens from the direct caller to a recipient:
const deployHash = await erc20.transfer(
KEYS, // Key pair used for signing
receiverPublicKey, // Receiver public key
"2000000000", // Amount to transfer
"10000000000000" // Payment amount
Transfer from an account owner to a recipient given that the direct caller has been previously approved to spend the specified amount on behalf of the owner:
const deployHash = await erc20.transfer(
KEYS, // Key pair used for signing
receiverPublicKey, // Receiver public key
"2000000000", // Amount to transfer
"10000000000000" // Payment amount
Request the balance of an account with balanceOf:
const balance = await erc20.balanceOf(publicKey);
Allow a spender to transfer up to a number of the direct caller’s tokens:
const deployHash = await erc20.approve(
KEYS, // Key pair used for signing
publicKey, // Spender address
"1000000000", // amount of tokens that will be allowed to transfer
"10000000000000" // payment amount
Return the number of owner’s tokens allowed to be spent by spender:
const allowance = await erc20.allowances(ownersPublicKey, spenderPublicKey);
You can find all the available examples in the central project repository.