This package provides parallel assignment for MSMBuilder.
Because it uses IPython.parallel
as opposed to my homebuilt mpi4py
code, this code is a lot more flexible. It also should be a lot more stable/bug
free. It checkpoints much faster by only writing the necessary incremental
updates to the files on disk as opposed to completely rewriting them each time.
Here's an example of how to use this code in a PBS job
#PBS -N assign
#PBS -l walltime=1:00:00
#PBS -l nodes=2:ppn=24
#PBS -q default
#PBS -o /dev/null
#PBS -e /dev/null
METRIC="rmsd -a $HOME/WW/AtomIndices.dat"
#make sure the outdir exists
mkdir -p $OUT_DIR
#set 11 threads so that one is available for AssignIPP and ipcontroller
if [ -n "$PBS_ENVIRONMENT" ]; then
# execute inside PBS environment
ipcontroller --ip='*' --cluster-id $PBS_JOBID &> $LOG_FILE.ipcontroller &
sleep 2
mpirun --npernode 1 -np $PBS_NUM_NODES --machinefile $PBS_NODEFILE ipengine --cluster-id $PBS_JOBID &> $LOG_FILE.mpirun &
sleep 5 # leave enough time for the engines to connect to the controller -p $PROJECT -g $GENS -o $OUT_DIR -c $CHUNK_SIZE -C $PBS_JOBID $METRIC &> $LOG_FILE
# we're not executing in a PBS environment, but we want
# to test this script anyways
ipcontroller --ip='*' --cluster-id $CLUSTER_ID & # &> $LOG_FILE.ipcontroller &
sleep 5
ipengine --cluster-id $CLUSTER_ID & # &> $LOG_FILE.mpirun &
kill %1 %2 %3
echo "finished"
The flexibility of IPython.parallel
comes at slight cost in complexity.
is basically a master-worker framework. The first step
is thus to start workers.
To start 1 worker on your local node, you can use the command
ipcluster start --n=1
The ipcluster
command does two things. First, it starts something called a
controller, and next it starts a bunch of engines (in this case only one since
we gave it n=1). The engines' job is to actually do our work. The controller is
not as interested. Its job is to coordinate with the engines and handle things
like task scheduling.
Once the controller/engines are up and running, we can run
One of the first things the script will try to do is connect to the controller.
Then it will prepare the jobs, submit then, and save the results as they return.
options, that you can see with -h
. A new option
which deserves some explanation is the chunk_size option.
Previous assignment codes that were written processed each trajectory individually. This is not necessarily the best choice. If you have a lot of short trajectories, processing each trajectory individually leads to a lot of overhead that you don't need. On the other hand, if you only have a single long trajectory, you have no way to do the computation in parallel over multiple nodes unless you split it up.
partitions the frames in your trajectory into a bunch of chunks.
Each chunk may incorporate frames from a single trajectory or multiple trajectories.
These chunks are then the unit of the parallelism between nodes. When the assignment
is completed for each chunk, those results are immediately written to disk.
The size of the chunks is set from the command line with chunk_size. Using large chunks will reduce the communication overhead, but if you have fewer chunks than you do engines, not all the engines will actually be able to do anything. Using small chunks will also lead to more frequent checkpointing.
If you start up
pointing to an output directory that already
contains results (i.e. an Assignments.h5 and Assignments.h5.distances), it will
pick up where it left off. The only caveat is that you need to supply an identical
chunk_size as you did previously.
Simply starting a single engine on your local node is pretty boring. Instead, you probably want your engine to be on other nodes.
On Stanford's certainty cluster, I can do the following from two DIFFERENT nodes
$ ipcontroller --ip '*'
$ ipengine
On certainty-a, I see
2012-08-17 00:14:07.051 [IPControllerApp] registration::finished registering engine 0:'661ecce8-8d2e-41d2-97f4-6715fe4a8692'
2012-08-17 00:14:07.052 [IPControllerApp] engine::Engine Connected: 0
which indicates that the engine on one node has successfully connected to the controller on a different node.
The flag --ip='*
indicates that we're allowing engines to connect from any ip
address, which is necessary.
The ipcluster
command, which calls both ipcontroller
and ipengine
, has a
very convenient feature -- profiles, which helps to automate all of this setup.
Robert put a few profiles online at
If you download and install that package, you can run
ipcluster start --profile=pbs1hr --n 10
which will start a controller on the local machine and then submit a PBS job to the
default queue asking for ten nodes for an hour each. Each of those jobs will execute
the ipengine
command to connect to the controller, and then you're in business.
Then you can run
on your local node, and it will connect to the
processes in the PBS queue and they will do the work.
We're still exploring this, but I've got the following to work
rmcgibbo@vspm42-ubuntu ~
$ ipcontroller --ip='*'
rmcgibbo@vsp-compute-01 ~
$ scp vspm42-ubuntu:/home/rmcgibbo/.config/ipython/profile_default/security/ipcontroller-engine.json .
rmcgibbo@vsp-compute-01 ~
$ ipengine --file=ipcontroller-engine.json