Implementation of the Ant Input Handler interface
Implementation of the API which shows a dialog allowing the end user to choose the value. If you are running Ant from inside Oxygen:
- Edit the transformation scenario.
- In the "Options" tab:
- Set the Additional Ant arguments field to the value (without quotes) "-inputhandler com.oxygenxml.ant.inputhandler.SwingInputHandlerImpl"
- Add in the JVM Arguments field the value (without quotes) "-Djava.awt.headless=false"
- Click the "Libraries" tab and add a reference to the library "swing-input-handler.jar"
For example if the following ANT build file is run:
<project basedir="." name="" default="abc">
<target name="abc">
<input message="Continue?"
validargs="Yes,Other,Cancel" addproperty="do.continue" defaultvalue="Other"/>
the end user will be shown a dialog with a combo box allowing them to choose one of the proposed valid arguments. The default value will be selected in the combo box.