It's all just stuff I've developed to aid my own understanding. There's a file where W-Types are defined - for these see the HoTT book, or 'Constructive mathematics and computer programming' by Per Martin-Lof. There I also define the natural numbers as a W-Type, and define addition for these natural numbers, and then go through the motions of showing that this definition of addition is correct - it's associative and commutative and behaves well with zero, one and the successor function. There's a file where I prove that all initial N-algebras (in the sense of the HoTT book) can be identified, I use the machinery of cubical agda to do this. There is also a file where I prove that W-Types are initial W-algebras, this doesn't use any cubical machinery, but does use function extensionality. So-called `homotopy W-Types' (HoTT Book's name for them) are defined in another file. My W-Algebras file has been extended to include a fairly messy proof that these are all initial as well. Then there is a proof, which makes use of the structural identity principle, that all initial W-Algebras are identical. The foregoing are used in a proof that the type of homotopy W- Types (for an A and a B) is contractible.
Sources I've used are:
The HoTT Book, available to read here: the relevant sections are from pages 154-161
Introduction to Univalent Foundations of Mathematics with Agda, here:
Homotopy Initial Algebras in Type Theory by Steve Awodey, Nicola Gambino and Kristina Sojakova, available here:
Libraries I've used are:
Type Topology, here:
Cubical, here:
rename 'silly' functions in homwtypes2
tidy up long proofs
add a similar proof of the equivalence of other notions of weak W-Types, per comment at the end of homwtypes2