Atomify LAMMPS 2.0.2
Atomify 2.0 is released. Our engine is now running on top of the LAMMPS molecular dynamics simulator, hence the name Atomify LAMMPS. The editor makes it easy to run and visualize LAMMPS scripts.
Installation on Ubuntu
Currently only available for Ubuntu 16.04.
Enable the xenial-proposed repository through System Settings > Software & Updates > Developer Options
Close and reload
Open a terminal and install the following packages:
sudo apt install snap-confine ubuntu-core-launcher
Disable xenial-proposed if you don't want other (possibly unstable) Ubuntu packages to be installed on your next system update.
Install atomify-lammps from terminal by running (or download the snap below)
sudo snap install atomify-lammps
Run atomify-lammps from terminal with
A window with Atomify LAMMPS should appear, allowing you to run your LAMMPS scripts in the editor to the left. You may test with the following script:
#/atom 1 1.8 #E74C3C
#/atom 2 1.8 #3498DB
variable L equal 16.0
variable thickness equal 6.0
units lj
atom_style atomic
atom_modify map hash
lattice fcc 0.8442
variable left equal 0.5*$L-0.5*${thickness}
variable right equal 0.5*$L+0.5*${thickness}
variable Lhalf equal 0.5*$L
region system block 0 $L 0 $L 0 $L
region boxinside block 0 $L ${left} ${right} 0 $L
region boxoutside block 0 $L ${left} ${right} 0 $L side out
region lol sphere 0.0 ${Lhalf} ${Lhalf} 15.0
create_box 3 system
create_atoms 1 region boxinside
create_atoms 2 region boxoutside
mass * 1.0
velocity all create 3.44 87287 loop geom
pair_style lj/cut 2.5
pair_coeff * * 1.0 1.0 2.5
neighbor 0.3 bin
neigh_modify delay 0 every 20 check no
fix 1 all nve
run 100