Release Notes
List of new features and improvements
Platform and OroCRM:
- Update JS dev libraries [BAP-21849]
- Add pagination links for async operations errors API resource [BAP-21806]
- Update TinyMCE editor from 5 version to 6 [BAP-21778]
- Update JS libraries for maintenance branches [BAP-21768]
- Limit "disable-after" argument for "oro:log:level" command to 1 hour [BAP-21736]
- Consistency of attachments in DB and file storage [BAP-21710]
"oro:attachment:cleanup-gridfs-files" CLI command was introduced to allow for consistency verification of GridFS based file storage against file information in the application database, and for removal of non-referenced files from the storage
List of fixed issues
Platform and OroCRM:
- Reset password for logged user [BAP-21805]
- Broken view of Tags field with multiple selected tags on user view page [BAP-21787]
- Add Consent button is not hidden when Enabled User Consents configuration field is set to use default value [BAP-21774]
- Incorrect timepicker alignment at back-office in RTL mode [BAP-21767]
- Error while trying to sync the body of an already removed email [BAP-21748]
- Unnecessary HTML tag after adding "File" element in WYSIWYG [BAP-21745]
- Incorrect field size in inline-editor__inner in back-office [BAP-21741]
- Grid header is moving after scrolling grid on tablet/mobile [BAP-21740]
- Cursor overlaps with border in text elements in WYSIWYG [BAP-21739]
- Microsoft resources continue to sync for disabled users [https://BAP-21735]
- Email origins stops to sync after update to reconnect account functionality [BAP-21731]
- Incorrect alignment of gjs-field-integer in Style Manager in Mozilla [BAP-21719]
- Entity fieldset limitation leads to loss some relationships [BAP-21718]
- Multiple entity instance inclusion in API response [BAP-21717]
- Error running import from CLI [BAP-21709]
- Disabled calendars continues to sync [BAP-21708]
- Incorrect timezone handling during task synchronization with Microsoft365 [BAP-21689]
- Translation cache is not refreshed after updating translations for language with custom language code [BAP-21669]
- Incorrect processing of UniqueConstraintViolationException in EntityChangesToAuditEntryConverter [BAP-21501]
- Enabled filter rendered incorrectly on Active Users grid view [BAP-16903]