List of fixed issues and improvements
OroPlatform and OroCRM have been upgraded to 4.1.3 version
Fixed all custom product attributes are marked global when upgrading to 4.1 even in single organization setup
Fixed hardcoded workflow name breaks customization of b2b_flow_checkout
Optimized product image indexation
Added configuration for ES index text fields disabling full text search
Fixed gracefully fail rule evaluation on errors
Fixed segments from all organizations are displayed in segment selector in Reports & Segments of non-Global organization
Fixed validation message appears after clicking "Choose File" in the "Import" pop-up
Implemented Selective Price Indexation
Fixed Autocomplete/SearchHandler does not restrict results per organization
Fixed Webcatalog category canonical URL points to page with different number of products
Fixed tasks Show Incorrect Context Label on Grid View
Fixed URL slug is not created if enter only a title value and immediately save the landing page
Fixed Wrong account is locked when same email is used for both storefront and back-office user accounts
Fixed Accessibility for SELECT2 widget
Fixed make grid mass-actions accessible by keyboard
Fixed make accessible date-picker from the keyboard
Fixed failed price import with multiple consumers
Fixed Open Product Image Gallery by pressing "Enter" button on focused "Zoom" icon
Fixed keyboard navigation Shopping Lists drop-down
Fixed double pronunciation of the Shopping List in flash message
Fixed uploaded attachments in "Send Email" dialog don't match the design
Fixed additional scroll to top span displayed on the storefront pages
Fixed target Window option in Frontend Menu items
Fixed Infinity loop(302 redirects) from login to profile on account profile page
Fixed email campaign sending out to contacts not in the marketing list
Fixed investigate performance of large shopping list and checkout
Fixed "Contact us" form has wrong additional inputs
Added accessibility rules for "Language" switcher
Fixed not all requested quantities are included in RFQ confirmation email
Fixed content in WYSIWYG editor is not saved after formatting the copied text.
Fixed 500 error is shown instead of 404 page on some incorrect URLs
Fixed incorrect routing for media in multi websites configuration
Improved required fields according to accessibility requirements on the Storefront
Fixed modifying newly created Content Node may lead to 500 error
Implemented translations for GrapesJS editor actions
Fixed organization user in import file is not assigned as entity owner
Fixed HTML entities not escaped in product name on product view page
Fixed new content block variant overrides content of previously created content block variant
Fixed meta title is used for page title of storefront product view page and web catalog nodes
Fixed CombinedPriceListScheduleResolver::updateCombinedPriceListConnection sends to reindex all products assigned to full CPL
Fixed lost relation between email address and owner entity in RFQ
Fixed Product details page produces 500 server error after adding 'multiple images' data-type product attribute to the "Images" tab of product family
Fixed after successfully adding a Product to the Quick Order Form, the scroll disappears
Fixed validation of non UTF-8 import file with non existing parent customer leads to consumer failure
Fixed new address form during checkout is pre-populated with existing address data
Fixed product grid per-page navigation doesn't work with disabled JavaScript
Fixed Quick order form does not update product prices when added product is changed
Excluded container-wrapper from WYSIYWYG export and import
Fixed features "GTM events on product page" and "Feature: GTM events on shopping list" fail
Implemented Batch API for Orders
Implemented Batch API for Customers and Customer Users
Fixed sitemap generation memory leak
Fixed Title of master catalog category view page on storefront is hardcoded
Fixed email autoresponse is not sent
Fixed lack of price sorting in ProductPriceProvider on matching price tiers
Fixed AuthorizeNet integration does not send customer IP
Fixed case Insensitive Coupon Codes
Fixed Error on saving content node title translated into Hebrew
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