Welcome to DCB Admin! DCB Admin is a Knowledge Integration application and is part of the wider Direct Consortial Borrowing project. It is a web application designed to help people administrate instances of DCB.
You can find the DCB Service repository here and more information here.
DCB Admin is a Next.js application written in TypeScript. Material UI is used as the project's UI framework to deliver a dynamic, themable and resillient modern user interface.
This project conforms to the WCAG 2.1 accessibilty guidelines. If you would like to experience DCB Admin in dark mode, please set your system settings accordingly.
To get started with this project, simply clone it into your IDE of choice. You will need to npm install the project's dependencies, and for development you will also need a .env file - speak to your team about this.
To see the application running, please visit https://admin.dcbdev.lsphost.com/ - this is based upon the main branch. https://admin.dcbqa.lsphost.com/ currently plays host to our release branch deployment, which is typically behind main.
See deployment guidance at https://openlibraryfoundation.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DCB/pages/2853470224/How+to+deploy+DCB+Admin.
See developer guidance for DCB Admin documentation.
DCB Admin uses Cypress for end-to-end automated tests.
Please refer to the DCB Admin documentation for guidance on getting started.
Please refer to the contribution guidelines before contributing to DCB Admin.
This project is released using semantic_release. See the tags section for past releases.