Kindly note that the EFSA API Portal has been discontinued. We are excited to announce that a new portal, powered by cutting-edge technology, will be launched in 2025. In the meantime, if you need to browse EFSA catalogues, you can still do so even if you do not have a DCF account or an OpenAPI token (instructions provided below).
This repository contains the latest versions of the catalogue files in '.ecf' format (published on a quarterly basis) to be imported in the Catalogue Browser. This is a customised extension released exclusively by EFSA and contains a catalogue in a special format which can be imported in the Catalogue Browser without the need of logging in with a DCF account or an OpenAPI token.
Importing a catalogue in '.ecf' format into the Catalogue Browser is done by clicking on:
File → Import Catalogue
Please note that, before importing a new catalogue, it is necessary to close the current catalogue.
After clicking on the 'Import Catalogue' option, a new window appears that allows for the selection of the '.ecf' file to import. Click on the 'Open' button to start the import process. A notification will be displayed when the process is successfully completed.
Catalogue | Scope Note |
ABUNDANCE | Units to express population abundance/degree of infestation/desease prevalence. |
ACTFOR | Catalogue which contains subjective scale used to describe species abundance within a given area. It is normally used within a sampling quadrat to indicate how many organisms there are in a particular habitat when it would not be practical to count them all. |
ACTION | Catalogue containing action performed |
ADDFOOD | Additives food |
ADMIN_METHOD | Catalogue containing administration method |
AGECLS | Catalogue containing different age classes |
AMRPROG | Montoring for zoonoses |
ANLYMD | Catalogue which contains analytical methods |
ANLYREFMD | Catalogue which contains the list of validated official methods references. |
ANLYTYP | Catalogue containing analytical type |
APPLMETHOD | Catalogue which contains method of application |
BASIC_EFFECT | Catalogue which contains basic effect |
CAPACITY | Capacity of the slaughter house (number of animals per year) |
CHANGE_REASON | The catalogue is used in the fish consumption data and corresponds to questions Q8.1.3("Do any of the following reasons explain why you increased your consumption of fish in the last 12 months? ") , Q8.2.3("Do any of the following reasons explain why you decreased your consumption of fish in the last 12 months?") , Q8.3.3 (Do any of the following reasons explain why you increased your consumption of other seafood in the last 12 months? ) and Q8.4.3(Do any of the following reasons explain why you decreased y |
CHANGED | The catalogue is used in the fish consumption data and corresponds to question Q8 of the questionnaire ("Have you changed your consumption of the following in the past year?"). The purpose of the catalogue is to record whether the volunteer has reported any changes in fish or seafood consumption. |
CHANGETYPE | This catalogue is used in the fish consumption data and corresponds to questions Q8.1.2 , Q8.2.2, Q8.3.2 and Q8.4.2 (Do you intend this change in consumption to be permanent or is it temporary ?) from the questionnaire. The catalogue describes whether the recorded changes in the volunteer's fish or seafood consumption are occasional or permanent. |
CHEMCONTSURVEY | This catalogue is used in the fish consumption data and corresponds to question Q12 of the questionnaire ("For each of the following chemical contaminants, do you think they are present or not present in fish and other seafood?"). The catalogue provides information about the volunteer's knowledge regarding chemical contaminants found in fish and seafood |
CONCHANGE | The catalogue is used in the fish consumption data and corresponds to questions Q8.3.1 ("Can you please state by how much your consumption of other seafood increased in the last 12 months? ") , Q8.4.1(Can you please state by how much your consumption of other seafood decreased in the last 12 months? ) , Q8.1.1(Can you please state by how much your consumption of fish increased in the last 12 months? ) and Q8.2.1(Can you please state by how much your consumption of fish decreased in the last 12 months? ) fr |
CONCLUS | Catalogue for conclusion |
CONSUMPTIONPLACE | Catalogue for consumption place |
CONTROLMEAS | Catalogue which contains control measure, it is used for pest in plant data collection |
COORDPRE | Catalogue which contains precision of coordinates (longitude and latitude) used for geographical distribution data collections in conjunction with global regions catalogue |
COUNTRY | ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 country codes |
DEVATTRIB | Catalogue which contains pest/vector development terms, used for Pest in Plant data collection |
DIETARY_METHOD | Catalogue for different dietary methods |
DIETTYPE | Catalogue that contains different diet type |
ECOLPARAM | Catalogue which contains ecological parameters |
EDUCATION | Catalogue which contains the description of the current education level or highest diploma obtained. |
ENDPOINT_HGV | Catalogue which contains toxicological endpoints and health based guidance values for chemical risk assessment |
EPPOHOST | Catalogue which contains EPPO codes, downloaded from website, and integraed with Malus Domestica spp. Please note that only Kingdom Plantae has been considered. |
EPPOPEST | Catalogue which contains EPPO codes, downloaded from website. Please note that this catalogue contains only a subset of the entire EPPO, in more details the terms that belong to Animalia, Bacteria, Viruses and Fungi |
EXCEPTIONDAY | Catalogue for exception day |
EXCLUSION | Catalogue for exclusion |
EXPRRES | Catalogue for result expression |
EXPTYP | Catalogue containing molecular typing results |
FAREA | Catalogue which contains Fisheries area, source FAO/WHO |
FISHCHCONTAM | This catalogue is used in the fish consumption data and corresponds to question Q13 of the questionnaire ("Which of the following statements about chemical contaminants in fish and/or other seafood do you think are correct?"). The catalogue provides information about the volunteer's knowledge regarding specific chemical contaminants found in certain fish and seafood |
FUNC | Function of the food additive in the foodstuff |
GENDER | Catalogue for gender |
GUIDELINE | Catalogue which contains test guideline based on OECD harmonised templates |
HEALTHEFFECTS | The catalogue is used for the fish consumption data and provides information about the volunteers' beliefs regarding the effects of fish consumption on their health. This catalogue encodes question Q7 from the questionnaire (" Based on your knowledge, what would you say are the health effects of varying frequencies of eating fish or seafood?"). |
HEALTHYLIFE | The catalogue contains the answers provided by the volunteers regarding the factors that affect a healthy lifestyle. It uses data on fish consumption and corresponds to question Q1 of the questionnaire ("On a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is ‘not important’ and 10 is ‘important’, how important or not important are the following things, in your opinion, to live a healthy life?"). |
HIGHLOW | Categories for qualitative assessments |
HOSTDIMENS | Catalogue which contains different host dimension term, used for pest in plants data collection |
HOSTPART | Catalogue which contains host part terms, use for Pest in Plant data collection |
IMPACTYPE | Catalogue which contains type of loss, it is used for plant in plant data collection |
INFLUENFACTORS | The catalogue contains the factors that the volunteers stated influence their fish consumption. The catalogue is used for the fish consumption data and corresponds to question Q6 of the questionnaire("To what extent do each of the following factors influence your consumption or no-consumption of fish or other seafood, if at all? "). |
INFMETH | Infection methods |
INFOSOURSE | The catalogue is used for fish consumption data and corresponds to question Q9 of the questionnaire (To what extent did any of the following sources or types of information lead you to change your consumption of fish and other seafood?).With this catalogue we code where the volunteers have obtained the information that led them to make these changes |
INSTRUM | Catalogue which contains instruments required by AMR legislation |
INT_BACKGROUND | Catalogue for interviewer background |
LABACC | Catalogue which contains laboratory accreditation |
LABOR | Labour status referred to a person (not applicable in case of children) |
LANDSCAPE | Catalogue which contains Corine Land Cover |
LANG | Catalogue which contains languages |
LEGREF | Catalogue which contains reference to the legislation |
LMTTYP | Catalogue which contains the type of legal limit to evaluate the result |
LUCASLC | Catalogue which contains land cover code, these codes are taken from LUCAS catalogue (2015) from EUROSTAT |
LUCASLU | Catalogue which contains land usage code, these code are taken from LUCAS (2015) catalogue from EUROSTAT |
MATRIX | The catalogue contains the groups and the individual products listed for the monitoring of pesticides residues (Part A of Annex I to Reg. 396/2005). |
MATRIXATTR | List of relevant attributes of the pest (e.g. biology, epidemiology, management, etc) |
MATRIXFORM | Catalogue which contains form of the host or pest (e.g. type of spore) |
MATRIXPART | Type of unit of measure for the host plant |
MDACC | Catalogue which contains method accreditation |
MEALTYPE | Catalogue which contains meal type |
MPLTYPE | catlogue which contains “Maximum Permitted Level Defined” as DN if numerical or QS if “quantum satis” of the additive added to the food |
MTX | FoodEx2[defaultHierarchy=report] |
MTXCHTMP | Catalogue with temporary MTX codes for Chemical Hazard Data Collection |
MTXCLS | Matrix categories used to create reports. |
MTXTYP | Catalogue which contains matrix type |
MTYP | Catalogue which contains measure type |
NUTS | The catalogue aims to provide an hybrid territorial breakdown combining NUTS codes (for EU countries) and GAUL codes (for not EU countries). The use of the master hierarchy in a data collection is not |
PANSWER | Catalogue which contains the person who provided the answer |
PARAGRAPH | Catalogue for Pararaph for Zoonoses |
PARAM | The PARAM catalogue contains possible analytes (i.e. parameters under analysis). The catalogue contains information about chemical contaminants, pesticides, veterinary medicinal products, additives, flavourings, microorganisms. |
PARAMCLS | Parameter categories used to create reports. |
PARAMTYP | Catalogue which contains parameter type |
PHYS_ACT_MES | Catalogue which contains physical action measures |
PLH_MATRIX | Units to express population abundance/degree of infestation/desease prevalence. |
PLH_PRDSTORE | Type of cultivation and/or storaging of the host |
POP_SUBGROUP | Catalogue which contains population subgroup. Introduced for the chemical hazard database.Classification of population covered by the health based guidance value |
PORTION_EST | Catalogue which contains portion estimation |
POSNEG | Catalogue containing test results |
PRGTYP | Catalogue which contains programme type |
PRODMD | List of methods of production. In SSD2 this list is managed by FoodEx2 food classification (MTX Catalogue). |
PRODPAC | Catalogue for the packaging of the product |
PRODTR | List of production treatments. This catalogue applies mainly to SSD1. In SSD2 this list is managed by FoodEx2 food classification (MTX Catalogue - facet F28 process). |
PROFESS | Catalogue which contains professional category |
QUALIFIER | Qualifier terms to describe the relationship between substances and their chemical components. Also relvant for specifying imprecise measured amounts |
REF_TYPE | Scientific reference classification provided by Agroscope |
REFTM | Catalogue which contains reference time |
REP | Define a list of terms to clarify if an entry is representative |
RESEVAL | Catalogue which contains result evaluation |
RISKORBENEFIT | This catalogue is used in the fish consumption data and corresponds to question Q11 of the questionnaire ("Consumption of fish and other seafood can be beneficial for some aspects of our health, but can also have health risks. For each of the following health aspects, can you each time say whether you think fish and other seafood consumption is a benefit, a risk, or neither of those?"). The catalogue provides information about the individual's knowledge regarding the effects of consuming seafood and fish. |
ROUTE_EXP | Route of exposure based on OECD harmonised templates |
SAFETYNDIET | This catalogue is used in the fish consumption data collection |
SAMPLING_VAR | Catalogue which contains sampling variables |
SAMPLR | Catalogue which contains terms for sampling programme |
SAMPMD | Catalogue which contains sampling method |
SAMPNT | Catalogue which contains sampling point |
SAMPSTR | ctalogue which contains sampling strategy describing how the sample was selected |
SAMPUNTYP | Catalogue which contains different sampling unit type |
SCON | Catalogue which contains special condition |
SEASON | Catalogue that contains the seasons |
SMSCFAPC | Catalogue which contains the numerical values for the small scale farms data collection are described in this catalogue, the values of the termCode of the catalogue will be included in the paramText variable of the data collection |
SOFTWARE_DB | Catalogue which contains information about software database |
STORAGE | Catalogue which contains different storage term, used for pest in plants data collection |
STRAIN | Subtype/strain of organism for experimental organism and production breeds |
STUDYGUIDELINE | Catalogue which contains test guideline for the study notification database. |
STUDYTYPE | Catalogue used to report the type of study in the Notification of Studies database |
STUNMD | Catalogue containing stunning methods |
SUSTAT | Catalogue which contains status of holding/herds |
SYMPTOMS | Symptoms of the disease |
TARGET_TISSUE | Catalogue which contains target tissues |
TARGETGROUP | Catalogue use for TSE-BSE data collection. It identifies the target group from which the samples are taken from. |
TEST_TYPE | Toxicology tests using OECD harmonised template terms |
TOXICITY | Classification of critical effect according to toxicity target (Owens 2002 ) |
TRAPMETH | Catalogue which contains trapping method for insects, used in sampling plans |
TYPE_QUESTIONNAIRE | Catalogue which contains questionnaire type |
UNIT | Catalogue that contains unit terms |
UOREP | Catalogue which contains identification for reporting (under or over reporter) |
VALTYP | Catalogue which contains value type |
WEATHER | Coded list for weather used in pesticide usage surveys, slaughter house surveys and for pest in plant |
WEEKDAYS | Catalogue which contains week days |
WILDLIFE | Catalogue which contains terms to use to report wildlife data. Code are divided by specific hierarchy. |
YESNO | Catalogue which contains result value |
ZOO_CAT_AMPC | Catalogue for zoonoses, which contains ampC beta-lactamases, please refers to hierarchy ampc in PARAM catalogue |
ZOO_CAT_CARBAPENEM | Catalogue for zoonoses, which contains carbapenems, please refers to hierarchy carba in PARAM catalogue |
ZOO_CAT_CONFACT | Catalogue for zoonoses, which contains configuration factors |
ZOO_CAT_DSTABLE | Catalogue for zoonoses which indicates the official EU reporting tables to which disease data refer |
ZOO_CAT_ESBL | Catalogue for zoonoses which contains extended-spectrum beta-lactamases, please refers to hierarchy esbl in PARAM catalogue |
ZOO_CAT_EVDNC | Catalogue which contains nature of evidence, used for foodborne outbreak |
ZOO_CAT_FIXMEAS | Catalogue for zoonoses, which contains measurement limit |
ZOO_CAT_FOODVH | Catalogue for zoonoses, which contains food vehicle type |
ZOO_CAT_MATRIX | Catalogue For zoonoses, which contains matrix: food, animals and feed |
ZOO_CAT_OUTBRK | Catalogue for zoonoses, which contains outbreaks type |
ZOO_CAT_PARAGRAPH | Catalogue for zoonoses which contains paragraph elements, please refer to PARAGRAPH catalogue |
ZOO_CAT_PARAGRAPH_ORDER | Catalogue for zoonoses |
ZOO_CAT_PARAGRAPH_TYPE | Catalogue for zoonoses |
ZOO_CAT_SMPTYP | Catalogue for zoonoses, which contains sample type |
ZOO_CAT_TRACES | Catalogue which contains BCP codes |
ZOO_CAT_UNITDS | Catalogue for zoonoses, which contains Disease status unit |