DevShop 1.5.0-rc7
6 Commits to DevShop: 1.5.0-rc6...1.x
11 Commits to Devmaster: opendevshop/devmaster@7.x-1.50-rc6...7.x-1.x
3 Commits to opendevshop/aegir-user role: opendevshop/ansible-role-aegir-user@1.5.0-rc6...master
- When creating a new project, if the user has to change "path to drupal", and platforms already exist, update the platforms to use the new path.
- Automatically set "known_hosts" for GitHub, Bitbucket, Gitlab, and so we don't have to manually authorize.
- Bumping Drupal core to 7.64.
- Update ctools, views, and bootstrap modules.
- Fixed a bug in the DevShop Support form.
- Set line-height in terminal output so we don't get gaps.
- Add a Aegir user GID variable to playbooks.