DevShop 1.0.0-rc4
1.0.0-rc4 (February 22, 2018)
60 commits to DevShop: 1.0.0-rc3...1.0.0-rc4
43 commits to Devmaster: opendevshop/devmaster@1.0.0-rc3...1.x
- Drupal 7.57
- Contrib updates.
- Compatibility with Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Xenial. Added 16.04 install tests to Travis.
- Fixes for PHP7: Mostly just removed a reference variable in foreach loops.
- Default local docker-compose environment to use XDebug.
- Update Ansible roles to work with latest Geerlingguy playbooks on any LTS Ubuntu by using Variable overrides.
- Always force ansible run to output in color.
- Improvements script:
- If installing a branch, but /usr/share/devshop already exists, pull and checkout that branch.
- Add -v -vv and -vvv options to, which pass to ansible.
- Fix issue when using alternative devshop versions when testing. Robofile now builds source in correct folder.
- Small UI improvements:
- Site slogan now floats right.
- Help text on rename domain form.
- Fix double + icon in create project wizard.
- Remove warnings just in case profiles are not found.
- Fix incorrect environment save message: Properly says either "created" or "updated".
- Write project drush aliases on every task run on sites associated with a project.
- Force Delete! Platforms and sites are always forced now, so you will not get stuck with a "Failed Delete" task and a site that can't be removed cleanly!
- Removed Aegir Ansible and Aegir Cloud from Devmaster core. Too much power. Too much responsibility.
- Aegir Improvements: