Major improvements to documentation.
Removing Aegir's "Welcome" page.
Adding "Default environment settings" to projects form.
Show the project nav on any node in the project.
Lots of minor UI tweaks and improvements.
Allow changing the "path to drupal" in the project create wizard.
Allow changing the "base URL" of a project.
Added "Default environment settings" including default environment servers.
Improved project navigation across project components.
Refactored DevShop Testing module to be more organized.
Improving Testing user interface.
Use checkboxes for deciding which behat tests to run.
Improved task template.
Improved test results output.
Test Results get their own page, allowing anonymous access.
Fixed access control and permissions for various components.
Test results now get saved to files instead of being attached to tasks args.
In-browser Test logs can now be 'followed'.
Added DevShop GitHub module:
Allows direct interaction with GitHub API.
Pull request information is saved in devshop, allowing links back to the pull request.
Deploy and commit test status is posted back to the pull request.
Long environment names and URLs no longer break out of the environment box.
Hosting Solr now supports Jetty and Solr 3.x
Ensure HEAD installs use git for deploying source code.
Switching devmaster to match semantic versioning of devshop.
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