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Contract info

Contract name: PancakeSwapLottery
Contract address: 0x5aF6D33DE2ccEC94efb1bDF8f92Bd58085432d2c
Random number generator address: 0x8c6375Aab6e5B26a30bF241EBBf29AD6e6c503c2
(Random number generator contract must be deployed first)

View PancakeSwapLottery.sol on BscScan.

View the PancakeSwap: Lottery contract on BscScan.


The PancakeSwap Lottery V2 has been audited twice so far. View the results below:

Peckshield's Lottery V2 Audit

Slowmist's Lottery V2 Audit

Lottery Status states

The lottery has four Status states, Pending, Open, Close, and Claimable, that determine which actions can and cannot be taken at a given time.

Read/View functions


function viewCurrentLotteryId() external view override returns (uint256);

Returns the Id# of the current Lottery round as an integer. Round Id#s correlate to round number, and are incremental, e.g. the ninth round of Lottery will be 9.


function viewLottery(uint256 _lotteryId) external view returns (Lottery memory);

Returns information on specified Lottery round as tuple (see Lottery structure below).

        uint256 startTime;
        uint256 endTime;
        uint256 priceTicketInCake;
        uint256 discountDivisor;
        uint256[6] rewardsBreakdown; // 0: 1 matching number // 5: 6 matching numbers
        uint256 treasuryFee; // 500: 5% // 200: 2% // 50: 0.5%
        uint256[6] cakePerBracket;
        uint256[6] countWinnersPerBracket;
        uint256 firstTicketId;
        uint256 firstTicketIdNextLottery;
        uint256 amountCollectedInCake;
        uint32 finalNumber;
Name Type Description
startTime uint256 Starting block for Lottery round.
endTime uint256 Ending block for Lottery round (approximately 12 hours after a round begins).
priceTicketInCake uint256 The price of a ticket in CAKE (approximately $5 USD).
discountDivisor uint256 The divisor used to calculate bulk ticket discount.
rewardsBreakdown uint256[6] The division of rewards across brackets (total must add up to 10,000).
treasuryFee uint256 Amount taken from funds raised per round that's moved to treasury address (maximum 3000).
cakePerBracket uint256[6] The amount of CAKE to distribute to winners of each bracket.
countWinnersPerBracket uint256[6] Moves through brackets, starting from the highest, accounting for winners when value > 0.
firstTicketId uint256 Id of the first ticket, set with the opening of the Lottery round, that determines the range of eligible tickets for the current round.
firstTicketIdNextLottery uint256 Id of the first ticket, set at the closing of current round, that determines the range of eligible tickets for the current round.
amountCollectedInCake uint256 The amount of CAKE collected through ticket sales for the Lottery round.
finalNumber uint32 The final number determined by randomResult obtained from the number generator contract (RandomNumberGenerator.sol) using Chainlink VRF.


function viewNumbersAndStatusesForTicketIds(uint256[] calldata _ticketIds)
    returns (uint32[] memory, bool[] memory);

Returns the corresponding numbers and the statuses of ticketIds array of tickets defined by their ticketId.


function viewRewardsForTicketId(
    uint256 _lotteryId,
    uint256 _ticketId,
    uint32 _bracket;

Calculates rewards for a ticket after draw given the lotteryId, ticketId, and bracket. Filling and querying will provide a link to detailed price information on BscScan.

Name Type Description
lotteryId uint256 The id of the Lottery.
ticketId uint256 The id of the ticket.
bracket uint32 Bracket for the ticketId to verify the claim and calculate rewards.


    function viewUserInfoForLottery(
        address _user,
        uint256 _lotteryId,
        uint256 _cursor,
        uint256 _size
        returns (
            uint256[] memory,
            uint32[] memory,
            bool[] memory,

Returns user lotteryTicketIds, ticketNumbers, and ticketStatuses of a user for a given Lottery (defined by lotteryID).

Name Type Description
user address The address of the user.
lotteryId uint256 The id of the Lottery.
cursor uint256 Cursor to start where to retrieve the tickets.
size uint256 The number of tickets to retrieve.


    function _calculateRewardsForTicketId(
        uint256 _lotteryId,
        uint256 _ticketId,
        uint32 _bracket
    ) internal view returns (uint256);

Calculates rewards for a ticket after draw given the lotteryId, ticketId, and bracket.

Name Type Description
lotteryId uint256 The id of the Lottery.
ticketId uint256 The id of the ticket.
bracket uint32 Bracket for the ticketId to verify the claim and calculate rewards.


    function calculateTotalPriceForBulkTickets(
        uint256 _discountDivisor,
        uint256 _priceTicket,
        uint256 _numberTickets
    ) external pure returns (uint256);

Calculates the price for a set of tickets accounting for bulk discount.


$$totalPriceForBulkTickets = priceSingleTicket \cdot numberTickets \cdot \frac{(discountDivisor + 1 - numberTickets)}{discountDivisor}$$

Filling and querying will provide a link to detailed price information on BscScan.

Name Type Description
discountDivisor uint256 The divisor for the discount.
priceTickets uint256 The price of a ticket in CAKE.
numberTickets uint256 The number of tickets to buy.

Write functions (users)


function buyTickets(uint256 _lotteryId, uint32[] calldata _ticketNumbers) external override notContract nonReentrant;

Buy tickets for the current Open Lottery round (between 1 and 100 per purchase). Calculates the price per ticket using calculateTotalPriceForBulkTickets.

Name Type Description
lotteryId uint256 The id of the lottery.
ticketNumbers uint32 Array of ticket numbers between 1,000,000 and 1,999,999.


    function claimTickets(
        uint256 _lotteryId,
        uint256[] calldata _ticketIds,
        uint32[] calldata _brackets
    ) external override notContract nonReentrant;

Claim a set of winning tickets for a Claimable Lottery round. Checks lotteryId to determine if round is claimable, ownership of ticketId, eligibility of ticket (ticketId falls between firstTicketId and firstTicketIdNextLottery), and whether ticketId falls within eligible prize bracket (between 0 and 5).

Name Type Description
lotteryId uint256 The id of the Lottery.
ticketIds uint32 Array of ticketIds.
brackets uint32 Array of brackets for the ticket ids.

Write functions (operator/admin)


function closeLottery(uint256 _lotteryId) external override onlyOperator;

Closes the Open Lottery to Close state. Emits LotteryClose event.

Name Type Description
lotteryId uint256 The id of the Lottery.


    function drawFinalNumberAndMakeLotteryClaimable(uint256 _lotteryId, bool _autoInjection) external override onlyOperator nonReentrant;

Lottery must be in Close state. Draws the final Lottery number for results from randomResult, calculates the rewards for brackets after accounting for treasury fee, makes Lottery state Claimable, and transfers treasury fee to treasury address.

Name Type Description
lotteryId uint256 The id of the Lottery.
autoInjection bool Automatic injection status.


    function changeRandomGenerator(address _randomGeneratorAddress) external onlyOwner;

Changes the random number generator contract address. Lottery must be Claimable.

Name Type Description
randomGeneratorAddress address The random generator address.


function injectFunds(uint256 _lotteryId, uint256 _amount) external override onlyOwner;

Inject funds into a Lottery. Lottery must be Open.

Name Type Description
lotteryId uint256 The id of the Lottery.
amount uint256 Amount, in CAKE token, to inject.


    function startLottery(
        uint256 _endTime,
        uint256 _priceTicketInCake,
        uint256 _discountDivisor,
        uint256[6] calldata _rewardsBreakdown,
        uint256 _treasuryFee
    ) external override onlyOperator;

Starts the Lottery, setting it to Open state. Status must be Claimable.

Name Type Description
endTime uint256 End time of the Lottery.
priceTicketInCake uint256 Price of a ticket in CAKE.
discountDivisor uint256 The divisor to calculate the discount magnitude for bulks.
rewardsBreakdown uint256[6] Breakdown of rewards per bracket (must sum to 10,000).
trasuryFee uint256 Treasury fee (10,000 = 100%, 100 = 1%).


function recoverWrongTokens(address _tokenAddress, uint256 _tokenAmount) external onlyOwner;

Allows admin to recover incorrect tokens sent to address mistakenly. Cannot be CAKE tokens.

Name Type Description
tokenAddress address The address of the token to withdraw.
tokenAmount uint256 The number of tokens to withdraw.


function recoverWrongTokens(address _tokenAddress, uint256 _tokenAmount) external onlyOwner;

Allows admin to set upper and lower limit of ticket price in CAKE value. Minimum price must be lower than maximum price.

Name Type Description
minPriceTicketInCake uint256 The minimum price in CAKE.
maxPriceTicketInCake uint256 The maximum price in CAKE.


function setMaxNumberTicketsPerBuy(uint256 _maxNumberTicketsPerBuy) external onlyOwner;

Set max number of tickets purchasable at a time (presently 100). Max number of tickets must be higher than 0.

Name Type Description
maxNumberTicketsPerBuy uint256 Max number of tickets in one purchase.


function setOperatorAndTreasuryAddresses(address _operatorAddress, address _treasuryAddress) external onlyOwner;

Sets the address of the Lottery operator.

Name Type Description
operatorAddress address The address of the operator.
treasuryAddress address The address of the treasury.
injectorAddress address The address of the injector.

Events (User)


TicketsPurchase(address indexed buyer, uint256 indexed lotteryId, uint256 numberTickets);

Lottery tickets are purchased.

Emitter: buyTickets go to buyTickets


TicketsClaim(address indexed claimer, uint256 amount, uint256 indexed lotteryId, uint256 numberTickets);

Lottery tickets are claimed post-draw.

Emitter: claimTickets go to claimTickets

Events (admin)


AdminTokenRecovery(address token, uint256 amount);

Admin recovers incorrect tokens from Lottery address.

Emitter: recoverWrongTokens go to recoverWrongTokens


LotteryClose(uint256 indexed lotteryId, uint256 firstTicketIdNextLottery);

The Lottery is closed. lotteryId is indexed and firstTicketIdNextLottery is determined by currentTicketId.

Emitter: closeLottery go to closeLottery


LotteryInjection(uint256 indexed lotteryId, uint256 amount);

Funds are injected into Lottery.

Emitter: injectFunds go to injectFunds


        uint256 indexed lotteryId,
        uint256 startTime,
        uint256 endTime,
        uint256 priceTicketInCake,
        uint256 firstTicketId

The Lottery is opened. firstTicketId is set from currentTicketId,

Emitter: startLottery go to startLottery


LotteryNumberDrawn(uint256 indexed lotteryId, uint256 finalNumber, uint256 countWinningTickets);

Lottery numbers are drawn for Lottery round.

Emitter: drawFinalNumberAndMakeLotteryClaimable go to drawFinalNumberAndMakeLotteryClaimable


NewOperatorAndTreasuryAndInjectorAddresses(address operator, address treasury);

New operator address is set.

Emitter: setOperatorAndTreasuryAndInjectorAddresses go to setOperatorAndTreasuryAndInjectorAddresses


NewRandomGenerator(address indexed randomGenerator);

New random number generator address is set.

Emitter: changeRandomGenerator go to changeRandomGenerator