GridFire is a raster-based fire spread and severity model that may be used for both static and dynamic calculations of various standard fire behavior metrics across a landscape. For inputs, it requires a stack of co-registered raster maps for your area of interest as well as a set of scalar values which may be input via a configuration file. These inputs are listed in the following table:
Value | Units | Type |
max-runtime | minutes | double |
cell-size | feet | double |
elevation-matrix | feet | core.matrix 2D double array |
slope-matrix | vertical feet/horizontal feet | core.matrix 2D double array |
aspect-matrix | degrees clockwise from north | core.matrix 2D double array |
fuel-model-matrix | fuel model numbers 1-256 | core.matrix 2D double array |
canopy-height-matrix | feet | core.matrix 2D double array |
canopy-base-height-matrix | feet | core.matrix 2D double array |
crown-bulk-density-matrix | lb/ft3 | core.matrix 2D double array |
canopy-cover-matrix | 0-100 | core.matrix 2D double array |
wind-speed-20ft | miles/hour | double |
wind-from-direction | degrees clockwise from North | double |
fuel-moisture | % | map of doubles per fuel size class |
foliar-moisture | % | double |
ellipse-adjustment-factor |
double |
initial-ignition-site | point represented as [row col] | vector |
In this mode, GridFire can be used to calculate full coverage maps of the following fire behavior metrics given a fixed set of weather conditions:
Value | Units | Type |
max-rate-of-spread | feet/min | core.matrix 2D double array |
max-direction-of-spread | feet/min | core.matrix 2D double array |
fire-type | category 0-3 (see below) | core.matrix 2D double array |
flame-length | feet | core.matrix 2D double array |
fire-line-intensity | Btu/ft/s | core.matrix 2D double array |
wind-adjustment-factor | percentage (0-1) | core.matrix 2D double array |
The Fire Type categories are as follows:
- Non-burnable
- Surface Fire
- Passive Crown Fire
- Active Crown Fire
In this mode, GridFire may be asked to simulate individual ignition events and calculate their size and severity after a fixed amount of time (e.g., a 1 hour fire event). These simulation outputs are listed in the following table.
Value | Units | Type |
global-clock | minutes | double |
initial-ignition-site | point represented as [row col] | vector |
ignited-cells | set of points represented as [row col] | set |
fire-spread-matrix | percent heated (0-1) | core.matrix 2D double array |
flame-length-matrix | feet | core.matrix 2D double array |
fire-line-intensity-matrix | Btu/ft/s | core.matrix 2D double array |
GridFire has been coded as a literate program ( using Emacs’ org-mode ( Full documentation of the current system can always be found in org/ and org/GridFire.pdf in this repository.
The beginnings of a REPL-driven development setup are in `dev/user.clj`. After installing and, and other dependencies – on OS X for example,
brew install clojure leiningen postgresql postgis
start postgres with
and start a REPL with
lein repl
While the REPL is most effectively used with an editor integration such as, there is a function included to immediately verify the REPL is setup
user=> (startup-health-check)
This function runs simulations and writes output files to the project root directory.
The simulations draw input data from the postgres database.
populates the input database by default and so is expected
to be evaluated once in default mode per ./pginit/
Use (startup-health-check :skip-init true)
in order to run the simulations
without restarting the database.
- Gary W. Johnson
- David S. Saah
- Max Moritz
Copyright © 2011-2016 Spatial Informatics Group, LLC.
GridFire is distributed by Spatial Informatics Group, LLC. under the GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPLv3)