update @babel/core to 7.22.9 (from 7.21.4)
update @babel/preset-env to 7.22.9 (from 7.21.4)
update @babel/preset-react to 7.22.5 (from 7.18.6)
update @oneblink/apps to 6.0.0-beta.5 (from 5.0.0-beta.15)
update @oneblink/apps-react to 4.3.0-beta.11 (from 4.2.0-beta.4)
update @oneblink/cli to 2.1.0 (from 2.0.0)
update @oneblink/sdk-core to 4.0.0-beta.1 (from 3.1.0-beta.4)
update @types/semver to 7.5.0 (from 7.3.13)
update @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin to 6.1.0 (from 5.57.1)
update @typescript-eslint/parser to 6.1.0 (from 5.57.1)
update babel-loader to 9.1.3 (from 9.1.2)
update css-loader to 6.8.1 (from 6.7.3)
update sass-loader to 13.3.2 (from 13.2.2)
update style-loader to 3.3.3 (from 3.3.2)
update typescript to 5.1.6 (from 5.0.3)
update webpack to 5.88.2 (from 5.77.0)
update webpack-cli to 5.1.4 (from 5.0.1)
update whatwg-fetch to 3.6.16 (from 3.6.2)