Thank you for choosing YetAnother.
Build Status
Note that YetAnother 1.0 is not the Final release, watch for updates.
Please make sure the release file is unpacked under a Web-accessible directory. You shall see the following files and directories:
Entry | Description |
logs/ | logs (would be created after 1st run) |
target/ | deployed app's files (would be created after 1st run) |
src/ | source files | | this file | | Bash start up scenario |
start.cmd | Windows NT start up scenario |
pom.xml | maven pom file |
- JDK 1.8 and above
- Apache Maven 3.3.9 and above
- Active internet connection for Bootstrap, AngularJS
- Windows: system variables %JAVA_HOME%, %MAVEN_HOME% set correctly
- Linux: JAVA and MAVEN binaries must be seen in $PATH
YetAnother has been tested with Jetty 9.4.7 HTTP server on Windows (NT 10.0 .10240 x64) and Linux (4.1.38 x86-64) operating systems.
YetAnother comes with a run-file called "start" that can run the Jetty HTTP server via a maven plugin.
On command line, type in the following commands:
$ cd /Path/to/YetAnother (Linux)
$ chmod uo+r (Linux)
cd \Path\to\YetAnother (Windows)
$ sh ./ (Linux)
start.cmd (Windows)
The new YetAnother application will be created at "YetAnotherPath/target". Default context root is "/". You can access it with the following URL: