Typescript async event emitter
Heavily inspired by https://github.com/sindresorhus/emittery#typescript, without the legacy part
import EventEmitter from '@prismamedia/ts-async-event-emitter';
// We use an "Enum" to name the events
enum EventKind {
Pre = 'pre',
Post = 'post',
// We "type" the data carried by the events like this :
const ee = new EventEmitter<{ [EventKind.Pre]: { at: number }; [EventKind.Post]: { took: number } }>();
// We can listen on events like this :
// "offFirstPre" is a convenient method to unregister the listener later, see below
const offFirstPre = ee.on(EventKind.Pre, ({ at }) => console.log({ first: at }));
ee.on(EventKind.Pre, ({ at }) => console.log({ second: at * 2 }));
ee.on(EventKind.Post, async ({ took }) => console.log({ took }));
// [...]
await ee.emit(EventKind.Pre, { at: 2000 });
// -> { any: 2000 }
// -> { first: 2000 }
// -> { second: 4000 }
await ee.emit(EventKind.Post, { took: 100 });
// -> { any: 100 }
// -> { took: 100 }
// Unregister the first listener
// Only the second listener remains
await ee.emit(EventKind.Pre, { at: 10000 });
// -> { any: 10000 }
// -> { second: 20000 }
// Subscribe to a bunch of events
// Several listeners for this event
[EventKind.Pre]: [
() => console.log({ at }),
() => console.log({ at: at * 2 }),
// Only one here
[EventKind.Post]: () => console.log({ took }),
Be aware that the on "config" method does not support "numeric" event kinds, as javascript transforms the "numeric" keys into "string"
// Subscribe to an event for only one execution
ee.once(EventKind.Pre, ({ at }) => console.log({ at }));
// Wait for an event to be triggered
const eventData = await ee.wait(EventKind.Pre);
// Wait for an event to be triggered with a 100ms timeout (if the "timeout" is reached before the event has been triggered an Error will be thrown)
const eventData = await ee.wait(EventKind.Pre, 100);