This project is to install some tools to help me and everyone to install easily some common stuffs.
- GNU/Linux
- wget
chmod +x ./; ./
- Python3
- JQ
- GO
- Anew
- AssetFinder
- Amass
- Subfinder
- Findomain
- Chaos
- GithubSearch
- Httpx
- Gowitness
- Waybackurls
- Gauplus
- Gau
- Metabigor
- Hakrevdns
- Hakcheckurl
- Kxss
- Dalfox
- GF
- ParamSpider
- Unfur
- Arjun
- Subjs
- AntiBurl
- JsCollector
- Kiterunner
- Ffuf
- Nuclei
- JSscanner
- Dnsx
- Goop
- KockPy
- Photon
- Meg
- Sudomy
- Uro
- Freq
- Sdlookup
- DnsValidator
- PureDns
- Sigurlfind3r
- Airixss
- Nilo
- To get the shodan API visit
- To get the Chaos API visit
- To get the Github API visit
- To get the SecurityTrails API visit
inurl:responsible disclosure program
inurl:vulnerability disclosure program
inurl:vulnerability program rewards
inurl:security@ report vulnerability
inurl:bugbounty reward program