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This repository contains the code for the Cloud Engineering Second Semester Examination Project, which involves automating the provisioning of two Ubuntu-based servers, named "Master" and "Slave", using Vagrant, and deploying a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) stack on the Master node using bash script and Ansible.

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# LAMP Stack Deployment: Automation with Vagrant and Ansible


Welcome to a sophisticated automation project that aims to proficiently set up a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) stack on a pair of Ubuntu servers denominated as "Master" and "Slave." Leveraging the powerful capabilities of Vagrant and Ansible, this project encapsulates the essence of modern DevOps practices, ensuring a streamlined, reliable, and replicable environment for hosting a PHP application.

# Objective: 👇🏽

Provisioning Virtual Servers: Automatically instantiate two robust Ubuntu-based servers.

LAMP Stack Deployment: Curate a bash script to facilitate the impeccable deployment of a LAMP stack on the Master node.

Application Deployment: Clone a PHP Laravel application from a designated GitHub repository, ensuring it is meticulously configured and primed for execution.

Ansible Automation: Harness the automation prowess of Ansible to manage the deployment intricacies on the Slave node, driving operational excellence and configuration uniformity.

# Prerequisites: 👇🏽

Before diving into the deployment odyssey, ensure the availability of the following tools:





# Repository Structure: 👇🏽

The repository is a trove of scripts and configuration files, each playing a pivotal role in orchestrating the automation symphony:

Vagrantfile: Orchestrates the provisioning of the virtual environments, laying the foundation upon which the LAMP stack will flourish. A bash maestro that conducts the LAMP stack installation with precision, ensuring each component is perfectly tuned. The virtuoso script that fine-tunes the Apache configuration, ensuring it performs in harmony with the application requirements.

# Getting Started: 👇🏽

Clone the repository to your local machine.

git clone

Initiate Vagrant:

vagrant up

Deploy the LAMP Stack:

    vagrant ssh master
    cd /vagrant

verify the stacks are well installed and configured:

Deploy the Application:

        vagrant ssh master
        cd /vagrant

Access the Application:

            http:// your master node IP address

PHP Laravel Application

Repository: Laravel Application Contributions

Contributions are the lifeblood of this project’s continual evolution and refinement. Feel free to compose your own melodies of improvement and enhancement, submitting them through Pull Requests.

# Setting up Ansible on the master node: 👇🏽

Install Ansible on the Master node:

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ansible

Verify the installation:

Configure the inventory file:

Add the slave’s IP address to the /etc/ansible/hosts file.

Added my slave node's IP address to the ansible hosts file.

# Setting up Ansible on the slave node: 👇🏽

Since we are using ansible to automate the installation of our LAMP stack in this guide, we need to generate an sshkey with ssh-keygen and then make our ansible ssh into the slave node without authentication by copying the sshkey from our master to our slave node.

Below is the command used to generate and copy the ssh key from our master to slave node.

for unix-like OS:

master_public_key=$(vagrant ssh master -c "sudo su - vagrant -c 'cat ~/.ssh/'")


vagrant ssh slave -c "echo '$master_public_key' | sudo su - vagrant -c 'tee -a ~/.ssh/authorized_keys'"

for windows/pwsh:

$master_public_key=vagrant ssh master -c "sudo su - vagrant -c 'cat ~/.ssh/'"


vagrant ssh slave -c "echo '$master_public_key' | sudo su - vagrant -c 'tee -a ~/.ssh/authorized_keys'"

I installed the lamp stack on the slave node using ansible from thr master's node

Below is a screeshot confirmation of the installed and running AMP application on slave node. 👇🏽

Below is a screenshot of the ansible playbook i created on the master node. It is to run and execute the automation of our LAMP STACK on the slave node: 👇🏽

Below is the screenshot of the deployed application: 👇🏽


This repository contains the code for the Cloud Engineering Second Semester Examination Project, which involves automating the provisioning of two Ubuntu-based servers, named "Master" and "Slave", using Vagrant, and deploying a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) stack on the Master node using bash script and Ansible.






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