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Kristen James Eberlein edited this page Feb 4, 2025 · 48 revisions

For meetings before 31 October 2023, see the previous wiki

January 2025

Agenda, 14 January 2025


  1. Approve minutes from previous business meeting

  2. Announcements *

  3. New Zoom meeting for future calls

  4. Need for a volunteer to look at PDF plug-in

  5. Conref review: Ella Fitzgerald

  6. Action items

October 2024

Agenda, 08 October 2024


  1. Approve minutes from previous business meeting

  2. Announcements

  3. Conref review: Ella Fitzgerald

  4. How to highlight conref rules?

  5. Question about conref and generalization

  6. Question: @keyscope on subjectScheme

  7. Action items

September 2024

Agenda, 24 September 2024


  1. Approve minutes from previous business meeting

  2. Announcements

  3. Warehouse (library) topics vs reusable component topics

  4. Conref review: Ella Fitzgerald

  5. Question about conref and generalization

  6. Action items

Agenda, 17 September 2024

Regrets: Eliot Kimber

  1. Approve minutes from previous business meeting

  2. Announcements

  3. Indexing review

  4. Conref review: Ella Fitzgerald

  5. Action items

August 2024

Agenda, 27 August 2024


  1. Approve minutes from previous business meeting

  2. Announcements

  3. New indexing review: Dave Alvin

  4. Open items from Dave Alvin review

  5. FW: Increasing confusion around LwDITA versions

  6. Action items

Agenda, 13 August 2024

Regrets: Frank Wegmann

  1. Approve minutes from previous business meeting

  2. Announcements

  3. Transition to new OASIS infrastructure: How is it going?

    • Any issues?
  4. Review Clifton Chenier: Indexes and indexing elements

  5. New indexing review: Dave Alvin

  6. Action items

Agenda, 06 August 2024

Regrets: Frank Wegmann, Dawn Stevens, Zoe Lawson

  1. Approve minutes from previous business meeting

  2. Announcements

    • Boston DITA Users Group August meeting for August: Dr. Harald Stadlebauer will speak on integration of the Intelligent Information Request and Delivery Standard (iiRDS).
  3. Transition to new OASIS infrastructure: How is it going?

    • Any issues?
  4. E-mails to dita-comment

  5. Review Clifton Chenier: Indexes and indexing elements

  6. Action items

July 2024

Agenda, 23 July 2024

Regrets: Frank Wegmann, Robert Anderson (Dawn Stevens and Zoe Lawson might be late)

  1. Approve minutes from previous business meeting

  2. Announcements

  3. Transition to new OASIS infrastructure: How is it going?

    • Any issues?
  4. Definition of index

  5. E-mails to dita-comment

  6. Review Clifton Chenier: Indexes and indexing elements

  7. Action items

Agenda, 09 July 2024

Regrets: Stan Doherty, Scott Hudson, Eliot Kimber

  1. Approve minutes from previous business meeting

  2. Announcements *

  3. Transition to new OASIS infrastructure: How is it going?

    • Any issues?
  4. Review Clifton Chenier: Indexes and indexing elements

  5. Action items

Agenda, 02 July 2024

Regrets: Scott Hudson, Stan Doherty

  1. Approve minutes from previous business meeting

  2. Announcements *

  3. Transition to new OASIS infrastructure: How is it going?

    • Any issues?
  4. Question about titles in examples

  5. Review Clifton Chenier: Indexes and indexing elements

    • Opening of review
    • Summary of participation and review comments
    • Questions to consider
      • Do we remove implementation details? (The spec should focus on what DITA markup means.)
      • Do we remove normative statements about errors? (The spec should not mandate what is or is not a valid way to render an index.)
      • What should the spec state about index ranges?
  6. Action items

June 2024

Agenda, 25 June 2024

Regrets: Leroy Steinbacher, Eric Sirois

  1. Approve minutes from previous business meeting

  2. Announcements *

  3. Transition to new OASIS infrastructure: How is it going?

    • Any issues?
  4. Review Clifton Chenier: Indexes and indexing elements

  5. Action items

Agenda, 18 June 2024

Regrets: Scott Hudson, Christina Rothwell

  1. Approve minutes from previous business meeting

  2. Announcements *

  3. Transition to new OASIS infrastructure: How is it going?

    • Any issues?
  4. Next review: Indexing

  5. Action items

Agenda, 11 June 2024


  1. Approve minutes from previous business meeting

  2. Announcements

  3. Update from Eberlein

  4. Transition to new OASIS infrastructure: How is it going?

    • Any issues?
  5. Base spec: Review Aretha Franklin: Specialization elements

  6. Technical content spec: Review Big Bill Broonzy: Glossentry, take two

  7. Future DITA 2.0 reviews

  8. Action items

May 2024

Agenda, 14 May 2024

Regrets: Stan Doherty, Frank Wegmann

  1. Approve minutes from previous business meeting

  2. Announcements

  3. Transition to new OASIS infrastructure: How is it going?

    • Any issues?
  4. Base spec: Review Aretha Franklin: Specialization elements

  5. Technical content spec: Review Big Bill Broonzy: Glossentry, take two

  6. Future DITA 2.0 reviews

  7. Action items

Agenda, 07 May 2024

Regrets: Scott Hudson

  1. Approve minutes from previous business meeting

  2. Announcements

  3. Transition to new OASIS infrastructure: How is it going?

    • Meeting invitations and the calendar
    • Each TC member
      • Add info to your profile, especially a photo or avatar
      • Check settings, especially those that relate to privacy
  4. DITA 2.0 reviews

  5. Navigation and functionality for new wiki (Wegmann and Rothwell)

  6. Action items

April 2024

Agenda, 30 April 2024

Regrets: Frank Wegmann, Scott Hudson, Eliot Kimber

  1. Approve minutes from previous business meeting

  2. Announcements

  3. Report back from ConVEx

  4. Transition to new OASIS infrastructure: How is it going?

    • Meeting invitations and the calendar
    • Each TC member
      • Add info to your profile, especially a photo or avatar
      • Check settings, especially those that relate to privacy
  5. What does it mean -- in plain language -- to call DITA a standard?

  6. Next review of glossentry content?

    • Update from Stevens?
  7. Scheduling reviews of base spec

  8. Navigation and functionality for new wiki (Wegmann and Rothwell)

  9. Action items

Agenda, 02 April 2024

Regrets: Zoe Lawson, Frank Wegmann

  1. Approve minutes from previous business meeting

  2. Announcements

  3. Transition to new OASIS infrastructure: How is it going?

    • Meeting invitations and the calendar
    • Each TC member
      • Add info to your profile, especially a photo or avatar
      • Check settings, especially those that relate to privacy
  4. Gloss group: Are we removing this from DITA 2.0? *

  5. Navigation and functionality for new wiki (Wegmann and Rothwell)

  6. Action items

March 2024

Agenda, 26 March 2024

Regrets: Leroy Steinbacher

  1. Approve minutes from previous business meeting

  2. Announcements

  3. Transition to new OASIS infrastructure: How is it going?

    • Meeting invitations and the calendar
    • Each TC member
      • Add info to your profile, especially a photo or avatar
      • Check settings, especially those that relate to privacy
    • DITA TC e-mail messages with attachments (Eberlein, 25 March 2024)
  4. Review A, 2024: Glossentry and elements

  5. Gloss group topics: Need for new example for the spec

  6. Navigation and functionality for new wiki (Wegmann and Rothwell)

  7. Action items

Agenda, 19 March 2024


  1. Approve minutes from previous business meeting

  2. Announcements

  3. Information for OASIS members on the Kavi to Higher Logic transition

  4. What to do until the new site is usable?

  5. Review A, 2024: Glossentry and elements

  6. Action items

February 2024

Agenda, 27 February 2024


  1. Approve minutes from previous business meeting

    • (Harrison, X February 2024)
  2. Announcements

  3. Report back from DITA Europe and DITA-OT Day

  4. DITA 2.0 proposal: Vote

  5. Review A, 2024: Glossentry and elements

  6. Action items

20 February 2024

Regrets: Robert Anderson, Eric Sirois

  1. Approve minutes from previous business meeting

  2. Announcements

  3. Report back from DITA Europe and DITA-OT Day

  4. Summary of glossary elements: what to keep, what not to keep

  5. DITA 2.0 proposal

  6. Review A, 2024: Glossentry and elements

  7. Action items

06 February 2024

  1. What to do with the glossentry specialization

  2. Review A, 2024: Glossentry and elements

  3. Action items

January 2024

30 January 2024

Regrets: Bob Johnson, Stan Doherty, Christina Rothwell

  1. Approve minutes from previous business meeting

  2. Announcements

  3. Action items

  4. Review A, 2024: Glossentry and elements

  5. Work on new wiki

16 January 2024

Regrets: Leroy Steinbacher, Eric Sirois, Nancy Harrison

  1. Approve minutes from previous business meeting

    • Not yet available (Harrison, X January 2023)
  2. Announcements

  3. Action items

  4. Upcoming work

    • Review of specialization elements and legacy clean-up WILL OPEN TONIGHT
    • Review of glossary content
    • Review of "Introduction to DITA"
  5. What sort of QA work do we need to do for the specializations repo?

  6. Committee notes in progress

    • Troubleshooting
    • Migrating to DITA 2.0
  7. What parts of the old DITA TC wiki did you use?

    • To design a new wiki, we need to know what content we need to plan for

09 January 2024

Regrets: Scott Hudson, Zoe Lawson will be late

  1. Approve minutes from previous business meeting

  2. Announcements

  3. Upcoming work

    • Review of glossary content
    • Review of specialization elements and legacy clean-up
    • Review of "Introduction to DITA"
  4. Use of relationship tables

  5. What parts of the old DITA TC wiki did you use?

    • To design a new wiki, we need to know what content we need to plan for
  6. Action items

December 2023

05 December 2023

Regrets: Scott Hudson

  1. Approve minutes from previous business meeting

  2. Announcements

  3. Referred question from bookmap review

  4. Glossary issues for discussion (continued from 07 November 2023)

  5. Report back from LavaCon 2023

  6. What parts of the old DITA TC wiki did you use?

    • To design a new wiki, we need to know what content we need to plan for
  7. Action items

  8. DITA 2.0 spec assignments

November 2023

28 November 2023

Regrets: Dawn Stevens, Frank Wegmann, Scott Hudson

  1. Approve minutes from previous business meeting

  2. Announcements

  3. Glossary issues for discussion (continued from 07 November 2023)

  4. Learning and training rework

  5. Report back from LavaCon 2023

  6. What parts of the old DITA TC wiki did you use?

    • To design a new wiki, we need to know what content we need to plan for
  7. Action items

  8. DITA 2.0 spec assignments

07 November 2023

Regrets: Zoe Lawson, Stan Doherty, Eliot Kimber

  1. Approve minutes from previous business meeting

  2. Announcements

    • The Boston DITA User's Group meeting is scheduled for 08 November 2023. Zoe Lawson will speak on Managing DITAval files:
      • "There are many scenarios in the modern technical writing world where you need to maintain dozens if not hundreds of conditions to maintain different versions of content. DITA and DITAVALs make this possible, but maintaining those DITAVAL files by hand is untenable. Come learn about one method to do this using spreadsheets and a bit of XSLT."
    • DITA Europe is scheduled for February 2023. The call for speakers is closed.
    • ConVex is scheduled for 8-10 April 2024 in Minneapolis. The call for speakers> is expected to close on 15 December 2024.
    • Adobe DITA world is scheduled for May 2023. If you are interested in speaking, send an e-mail to [email protected].
  3. Glossary issues for discussion

  4. Report back from LavaCon 2023

  5. What parts of the old DITA TC wiki did you use?

    • Report back from small group who met to talk about it
    • To design a new wiki, we need to know what content we need to plan for
  6. Action items

  7. DITA 2.0 spec assignments

October 2023

31 October 2023

Regrets: Scott Hudson, Eliot Kimber, Christina Rothwell, Nancy Harrison

1. Approve minutes from 10 October 2023

2. Action items

  • 08 November 2022:
    • Kris: Sketch out organization of "Changes from DITA 1.3 to DITA 2.0" topics for base spec
  • 17 January 2023
    • Robert: Devise way to generate aggregated "Rendering expectations" topic"
  • 24 January 2023
    • Robert: Work on mentions of error conditions in body text; aggregated error conditions in appendix
    • Kris: Update wording in spec about processing reltables
  • 07 March 2023
    • Kris & Robert: Consider Eliot's latest e-mail about "Cascading attribute values" and consider where adjustments are need in regard to text and examples
  • 11 July 2023
    • Kris: Develop a DITA 2.0 backlog In progress
  • 18 July 2023
    • Scott and Eliot: Start to update L&T files to work with 2.0 base. In progress
  • 15 August 2023
    • Nancy: Update public page for the DITA TC to let people know where to find the most recent DITA 2.0 PDF
  • 19 September 2023
    • Kris: Complete additional test about link on base spec PDF cover; ping OASIS about permalink if needed
  • 03 October 2023
    • Eliot: Identify titles for examples around cascading that we identified based on discussion of Denis Troaca's e-mail
    • Kris and Robert: Consider revisions and restructuring of spec content, based on cascading discussion
    • Kris: Schedule call with Dawn Stevens to work on glossary element-reference topics
  • 10 October 2023
    • Kris: Schedule call with Christina and Frank to consider structure of new wiki associated with TC GitHub repo
    • Kris: Send e-mail about close of the bookmap review
    • Kris and Robert: Hold a spec editors' call

3. Announcements

  • ?

4. Review of old Front page

  • What functionality do we want to carry over to new Wiki?
  • Old front page

4. Volunteer spec assignments