This repository contains the code necessary for reproducing the figures and custom analysis in the following manuscript:
Evolution of Structural Rearrangements in Prostate Cancer Intracranial Metastases (link once available)
R 3.6.1 or greater
The following R packages (for figures 2-4)
- circlize
- ComplexHeatmap
- GenomicRanges
- ggalluvial
- gGnome
- ggplot2
- gTrack
- gUtils
- MutationTimeR
- optparse
- patchwork
- reshape2
- stringr
- VariantAnnotation
The following R packages (for figure 5 analysis + plotting)
- biomaRt
- circlize
- ComplexHeatmap
- DESeq2
- dplyr
- EnvStats
- ggplot2
- ggpubr
- ggrepel
- limma
- lsa
- matrixStats
- NanoStringQCPro
- pheatmap
- readxl
- rstatix
- RUVSeq
- stringr
- survival
- survminer
- tidyr
- writexl
- xlsx