This repository demonstrates contemporary Vulkan API usage patterns in a single, comprehensive file. The example showcases Vulkan 1.4 core functionality, implemented with current best practices. Therefore, Vulkan 1.4 is mandatory.
Note: This is not intended as a tutorial, but rather as a reference implementation demonstrating modern Vulkan development techniques.
This sample application implements numerous Vulkan concepts and patterns:
- Vulkan Instance creation and management
- Validation layers with configurable settings
- Debug callback implementation
- Physical device selection and logical device creation
- Queue management (graphics queue focus)
- Extension and feature handling with graceful fallbacks
- Dynamic rendering
- Swapchain management
- Frame synchronization (timeline semaphore)
- Frame resource handling
- Color and depth buffer implementation
- Buffer references
- Specialized constants
- Vulkan Memory Allocator (VMA) integration
- Descriptor management (Sets, Layouts, Pools)
- Push descriptors and constants
- SSBO (Shader Storage Buffer Objects) and UBO (Uniform Buffer Objects)
- Image and sampler handling
- Buffer and image barrier management
- Graphics pipeline with vertex/fragment shaders
- Compute pipeline and shader integration
- Buffer updates (UBO)
- Volk for Vulkan function pointer loading
- Dear ImGui for user interface
- GLFW for window management and input handling
- GLM for mathematics operations
- GLSL to SPIR-V compilation
- Slang for shader compilation
When running the application, you'll see:
- A rotating, colored triangle (vertices updated via compute shader)
- A textured triangle
- Screen positioned colored dots
- Triangle intersection demonstration
- Interactive UI elements
- GLFW initialization provides the window and required Vulkan extensions
- Vulkan context creation (Instance, Physical/Logical Devices, Queues)
- Surface creation through GLFW
- Swapchain initialization
- VMA allocator setup
- Resource creation:
- Command buffers for setup operations
- Descriptor layouts and sets
- Pipeline configurations
- Buffer allocation (SSBO for geometry, UBO for per-frame data)
- Frame synchronization handling
- Swapchain image acquisition
- Command buffer recording initiation
- Compute shader execution
- Dynamic rendering pass
- Triangle rendering with descriptor binding and data updates
- UI rendering
- Command submission with semaphore synchronization
- Frame presentation
- Frame resource cycling
- Understanding of C++ programming
- Basic familiarity with graphics programming concepts
- Basic knowledge of Vulkan fundamentals
# Clone the repository
git clone
cd vk_minimal_latest
# Configure and build
cmake -S . -B build
cmake --build build --config Release
# Running
Besides Vulkan SDK, all the following dependencies will be fetch when configuring CMake.
- Dear ImGui
- Volk
- VMA (Vulkan Memory Allocator)
- The Vulkan SDK should be installed and the
environment variable set. - Using Vulkan SDK 1.3.296 and up, Slang will be the default shader language, but
you can change it to GLSL by setting the
CMake option toOFF
With N frames in flight, you typically want to ensure that you're not overwriting resources that might still be in use by the GPU from N frames ago.
Let's say we're rendering frames with 3 frames in flight:
Initial value: 2
Frame 0:
- wait(0) // Passes because 2 > 0
- Submit work
- signal(3) // Will happen when GPU completes
Frame 1:
- wait(1) // Passes because 2 > 1
- Submit work
- signal(4)
Frame 2:
- wait(2) // Passes because 2 >= 2
- Submit work
- signal(5)
Frame 3:
- wait(3) // NOW this blocks until Frame 0 completes and signals 3
- Submit work
- signal(6)
The pattern is:
- For frame N:
- wait(N)
- Submit work
- signal(N + numFramesInFlight)