Simple Pong implementation for testing autonomous pong controllers.
Clone this github repository and run
$ lein uberjar
to create the target jar file.
The controller tester expects as its only argument a controller
The controller should read from stdin a single line containing the
dimensions of the image, i.e. width and height separated by a space
After this line, the controller tester outputs the image of the Pong
board in ASCII format, so that black pixels are represented by a "0"
and white pixels by a "1".
The image is output as image height
lines, each containing image width
After printing the image, the tester expects to read a line consisting
of a single number that corresponds to the new y
coordinate of the
controller bat.
To test a controller, run
$ java -jar pongctrl-0.1.0-standalone.jar <controller-executable>
Alternatively, run with leiningen
$ lein run -- ./
or $ lein run -- ""
There are several configuration options in
Feel free to experiment with those.
A very simple controller implementation written in python is included.
Several, working on them.
Copyright © 2014 Nikolaos Vlassopoulos
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.