GPU shear-shear code
/* Authors: Miguel Cardenas-Montes (1) Ignacio Sevilla (2) Christopher Bonnett (3) Rafael Ponce (4)
(1): [email protected] (2): [email protected] (3): [email protected] (4): [email protected]
NOTE: This code has been successfully tested on NVIDIA GTX295, C1060, C2050, C2070 and GT555M. */
/* For Ubuntu with Cuda Libraries you have to do once:
user@user:yourpath$ nvcc -c -arch=sm_20
user@user:yourpath$ g++ -lcudart GP2SSCF_GPU_v0.2.o -o GP2SSCF_GPU
NOTE: Sometimes could be necesary to do: (m value depends on your architecture, 32 bits or 64 bits)
nvcc -c -m=32 -arch=sm_20 or
nvcc -c -m=64 -arch=sm_20
If you have to indicate where the libraries are you will have to do something like that:
nvcc -arch=sm_20
g++ -lcudart -lpthread -L/usr/local/cuda/lib64 GP2SSCF_GPU_v0.2.o -o GP2SSCF_GPU
You can also try
user@user:yourpath$ nvcc -arch=sm_20 -lcudart -lpthread -L/usr/local/cuda5.0/lib64 -o GP2SSCF_GPU
Now, if everything went well, you just created a binary file called "GP2SSCF_GPU" */
/* TO RUN */
/* This program calculates the shear-shear angular correlation function by brute force using a GPU, in the flat-sky approximation The program receives as input parameters the following:
Catalog: The path of your galaxy catalog, usually is a galaxy catalog for a specific redshift bin
Output_correlation_file: The path of your output file
The input files must have only five columns:
RA: Right Ascension in degrees
DEC: Declination also in degrees
e1: Ellipticity 1 or Shear 1
e2: Ellipticity 2 or Shear 2
W: Weight corresponding to each galaxy
The output will be:
theta: angle(degrees, in logscale)
Xi+/DD: Xi+ divided by the number of pairs separated an angular distance theta
Xi-/DD: Xi- divided by the number of pairs separated an angular distance theta
Xix/DD: Xix divided by the number of pairs separated an angular distance theta
DD: the number of pairs separated an angular distance theta
DD_wight: the number of pairs separated an angular distance theta taking into account
the galaxies weight
To run the program:
In order to calculate the shear-shear correlation function you must do:
./GP2SSCF_GPU Catalog.txt output.txt
./GP2SSCF_GPU Shear_CF.txt
1.- We are not giving a test catalog but our results have been compared to the athena results, so we encourage you to try our code using the athena input file.
2.- In order to compare the athena results to our results you will take into account that the athena input data set, specifically RA and DEC, are in arcseconds, so you will have to divide both by 3600.0 in order to get them in degrees.
3.- You can download the athena code from
and the input data file from