- chat
- secure
- any device (web, mobile)
- only a prototype to see its potential
So I had some well known apps in mind and some technology to use probably (WebRTC, HTML5, XMPP/Jabber, Phonegap, Angular.js, Firebase->Cordova).
After some minutes of research I found Meteor.
I was aware of Meteor since the last two years - but never used this framework before this little challenge.
I think using "Meteor" will be one of my favorite solution to act with ...
Meteor based great chat: Rocket.Chat (github)
Meteor may use Cordova for creating Apps
- install meteor
- clone this repo
- run meteor
- have fun :) http://localhost:3000
- simple login - simple username/password (in future it might use one or more of the multiple auth methods offered by meteor)
- 1:1 chats - simply give receipients name
- group chats - use "g:" as prefix for a dynamically generated group
- using few of the bells and whistles from meteor (eg. spacebars, events, database, ...)
- few lines of code (HTML, JS, CSS) - only to demonstrate its potential
- security (SSH-connection?)
- desktop and mobile notifications (popups, with phonegap?!)
As a lazy developer (or especially as an senior application engineer) I would not like to reinvent the wheel.
I'd like to invent new things and not "me too" ones...
It might be some fun to do development for this challenge from scratch ... but why?
Using node,, HTML5, phonegap and tons of tools (gulp, stylus, ...) ... puhh
... btw: I'll prefer "Signal" for secure and fast chats (text and speech) on mobile devices ... in near future it will be available for web-browser also (beta stage)