- Fetching of exam results / grades from
your university'sFH Kiel's QIS server - Local storage of those results, always accessible
- Notifications for new or updated exam results / grades
- qisbot comes with support for notifications to stdout and e-mail
- You can easily extend qisbot with your own notifications
- Install Python 3, any version >= 3.4 will do
- Installers and ZIP packages can be downloaded from here
- It is Pre-installed on many recent GNU/Linux distributions or can be installed using apt, pacman, homebrew or similar package managers
- Download or clone this repository and install the dependencies via pip:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- You may want to use a virtual environment for this
- You're all set! qisbot can now be startet with
python3 runqisbot.py
- Get an overview of qisbot's functionality:
python3 runqisbot.py -h
- Print all locally available exam results:
python3 runqisboty.py -p
- Force a refresh of all exam results from QIS:
python3 runqisbot.py -f
- This will trigger notifies (if configured)
- So the typical use-case would be:
python3 runqisbot.py -f -p
- Fetch results from QIS, compare with locally stored ones
- When reasonable & configured, execute notifications
- Print a table of the current data
qisbot lives from its configurability.
Per default, it will look for a file named qisbot.ini
its root directory.
You can specify a custom location via the --config
This is how a qisbot configuration file should look like (see sample_config.ini
# Your login credentials
username = <YOUR_USERNAME>
password = <YOUR_PASSWORD>
# URL to the login page of your QIS instance
baseUrl = https://<QIS_DOMAIN>/qisserver/rds?state=user&type=0
# Notify on new exam results?
on_new = true
# Notify on updated exam results?
on_changed = true
# Notify via standard output (console / terminal)?
stdout = true
# Notify via E-Mail?
# As of v0.9, an E-Mail for each exam that is new or has been updated is sent.
# Depending on your semester, this can add up to a lot of mails flooding your inbox,
# so you may want to keep this disabled for your first run
email = false
# This is only required when 'email' in the [NOTIFICATIONS] section is true!
# Connection data of your SMTP server
# You may be able to use the E-Mail account provided by your university here...
port = <SMTP_PORT>
ssl = false
# Your login credentials
# You can test the information provided above by executing qisbot with the '--test-email' flag
# qisbot will then attempt a login on using the information provided and output the result
# The E-Mail address to send notifications to