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Autonomous Robotics Course

Instructor: Eng.Khaled Gabr

Course Level ROS Robotics Language Language

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### Course Content

- Introduction to Linux, Terminal, and Shell
- Python Programming
- C++ Programming
- Introduction to ROS and ROS installation
- ROS Core Concepts:
  - Master
  - Nodes
  - Topics
  - Messages
  - Services
- ROS Labs (rostopic, rosmsg, rosnode, rosservice)
- Creating a ROS WorkSpace and Packages
- Writing a ROS Publisher and Subscriber
- Writing a ROS Service and Client
- Creating a Custom ROS Message
- ROS Tools:
  - Launch files
  - ROS Bag
  - RQT
  - Remap
- Gazebo, RVIZ: creating a custom robot using Gazebo
- Creating a custom robot using URDF
- Adding Gazebo plugins with ROS
- Kinematics with ROS
- Turtlebot3 Lab
- ROS project
- 2D and 3D Frames
- Transformations
- Localization:
  - Kalman Filter
  - MCL
  - AMCL Package
- Navigation

ROS Tasks

Note: All nodes written in C++ and Python also.

Task 1

  • count_ws
    • publisher and subscriber to start count from 100 until the user uses CTRL C.
  • nomeer_ws
    • publisher and subscriber using String msg("I am Learning Robotics and ROS") until the user uses CTRL C.

Task 2

  • nomeer_robot_ws
    • move_pkg with robot_py.launch file.

    • publish data to the /cmd_vel topic.

    • Modify the code in order to print the odometry of the robot.

    • Python file that creates a publisher that indicates the age of the robot

Task 3

  • control_nomeer_roboot_ws

    • Users can input a linear (x) velocity in the range [2,6] (floating point allowed)
    • Users can input an angular (z) velocity [2,6] (floating point allowed)
    • another node to publish data to the /cmd_vel topic

Task 4

  • nomeer_ws

    • publisher and subscriber to count from 0 until the user uses CTRL C.
    • message nodes that publish Complex(real, imaginary) numbers.
    • a service that can count the number of words, ex: i love you >> 3, you are the best >> 4.

Task 5

  • gazebo

    • first gazebo task
    • create Model(Robot) & Environment
    • Adding the Environment + Model inside a World

Task 6

  • URDF
    • Tasks 6.1:
      • Create custom robot using URDF/XACRO the robot should have:
        • 4 driver wheels

        • Normal Camera, the camera should be in front of robot.

        • Lidar should be at the center of robot.

    • Tasks 6.2:
      • Create custom robot using URDF/XACRO the robot should have:
        • 4 driver wheels OR 2 driver wheels and 1 driven free wheel(Castor wheel)

        • Normal Camera, the camera should be in front of robot.

        • the robot should have a tour at least 1m height attached with last edge of robot.

        • 1 Depth Camera(Xbox camera, RealSense Camera,..), the camera should be attached to the tour and at least at height 1m of robot.

        • Lidar should be at the center of robot.

Task 7

  • Gazebo Plugin
    • Add Gazebo Plugin (lidar, camera, diff) for Task 6.2 Robot. (gazebo.xacro)
    • download .stl or .dae file for the lidar and added to mesh folder also added to your URDF
    • create your world in gazebo
    • launching the robot in your world (robot.launch)


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