Multithreaded HTTP REST API for PostgreSQL in C for UNIX and Windows for 2813ICT university course 'Forest Health Project'
OpenSSL, picohttpparser, tiny-json, libpq
Build and run instructions Windows with MinGW:
- install openssl and libpq dependencies
- cd into root folder
- run 'mingw32-make server'
- run '.\bin\server [thread count]'
tests/ instructions integration.c - server load testing
- run .\bin\server [thread count]
- gcc compile integration.c (windows requires lws2_32 dependency)
- run compiled executable '.\a.exe [thread count] [socket count] [packet count]'
time.c - server latency testing
- run .\bin\server [thread count]
- gcc compile time.c (windows requires lws2_32 dependency)
- run compiled executable '.\a.exe [packet count]'