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Build Instruction

1. Build Javascript code injected into webview.

  • Requirements: Node.js, npm
cd usaint-injector/
npm ci
npm run build
mkdir ../assets/js/
cp dist/main.js ../assets/js/common.js

2. Install flutter dependency

  • Requirements: Flutter (Version : 3.27.0, following beta channel if possible)
flutter pub get

3. Project setting

For iOS Build

  • Install xcode in macOS for building iOS. Also, need to appropriate setting such as developer profile, etc.

For Android Build

  • Put your into android/ directory, which is used for signing the apk.
  • If you don't have own, you can copy auto-generated android/ Note that it is not suitable for deployment.

Configuration for other services

  • You should create .env file in the root directory for setting up the environment variables.
  • Now, Sentry and Firebase are supported. You should fill the .env file with below format.
  • If you don't have the values, you can just leave it blank.



4. Build

flutter build ios --obfuscate --split-debug-info=./debug/ --dart-define-from-file=.env
flutter build ipa --obfuscate --split-debug-info=./debug/ --dart-define-from-file=.env
flutter build apk --obfuscate --split-debug-info=./debug/ --dart-define-from-file=.env
flutter build appbundle --obfuscate --split-debug-info=./debug/ --dart-define-from-file=.env
  • ios means building iOS, ipa means that generated IPA file after building iOS, apk means building Android, and appbundle means building Android App Bundle.
  • You should ipa or appbundle for deploying the application. (You must need Apple Developer account for building ipa)
  • --obfuscate is the option for obfuscating the code. (optional)
  • --split-debug-info is the option for splitting debug symbols. (optional)
  • --dart-define-from-file is the option for reading environment variables from the file. (optional)
    • If you don't want to integrate with other services, you can just remove this option.

5. After build

(Optional / For production only) Uploading sentry to debug symbols

SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN=<token> SENTRY_ORG=<org> SENTRY_PROJECT=<project name> flutter packages pub run sentry_dart_plugin

Native debug symbols used in Play Console

  • You could find in build/app/intermediates/merged_native_libs/release/mergeReleaseNativeLibs/out/lib/.

(WIP / Only Korean) Contribution guide and Project structure

  • SSUrade welcomes your contribution!
  • PRD and Tech Spec could be found in SSUrade Document.

Auto-generated codes

  • SSUrade uses JSON Serialization, Injectable, Auto Exporter, etc.
  • If you edit files which have above annotations, you can generate the code with below command in project root directory.

Format codes


Integrate with external services

Firebase (Analytics) Configuration

flutterfire configure --project=<Firebase project id>
  • You should fill the your environment variable files based on the content of generated lib/firebase_options.dart file.
  • You could find the schema of environment variable file in this README.

Sentry Initialization

  • You could find the schema of environment variable file in this README.
  • Supported Sentry Options in Environment variable file:
    • SENTRY_TRACES_SAMPLE_RATE (0 ~ 1, double)