Automatically take Picture from Android Smartphones without any User Interactions.
###Supported Platform
- Android
Plugin can be installed using the Command Line Interface:
cordova plugin add
###Plugin Usage
var options = {
name: "Image", //image suffix
dirName: "CameraPictureBackground", //foldername
orientation: "landscape", //or portrait
type: "back" //or front
window.plugins.CameraPictureBackground.takePicture(success, error, options);
function success(imgurl) {
console.log("Imgurl = " + imgurl);
#####Here options are
name = Suffix to be added while saving the image for.e.g Image-yyyymmddhhmmss
dirName = Folder will be created with this name in Pictures directory of external storage.
orientation = while taking the picture, camera should be in landscape or portrait mode.
type = Either to use front or bank camera.
Stackoverflow user Sam -