A Docker image for FLT3-internal tandem duplication (FLT3-ITD) identification in acute myeloid leukaemia (AML).
Docker-FLT3-ITD is a Docker image with several FLT3-ITD detection tools. It runs into a Docker container, ready to be downloaded and used on any operating system supported by Docker.
We have evaluated the qualitative and quantitative analysis capabilities, result readability, and execution time of six representative tools using simulated and real biological data. To maximize user convenience, we selected several detection tools with effective performance and built a Docker image.
Two FLT3-ITD detection softwares and a post-processing script are packaged into the image: ScanITD , FLT3_ITD_ext, and PinITD for Pindel results. Users are allowed to choose which to use and change their default settings.
Download and install the image following the steps below:
Install Docker Community Edition (CE) in your computer. Instructions and downloading links are here: macOS, Windows and Ubuntu
Download the Dockerfile and packages with this command:
git clone https://github.com/niu-lab/docker-flt3-itd.git
Build the image:
docker bulid -t flt3_itd_detection:1.0 .
The image can be built by executing the above command in the Dockerfile directory. The
parameter specifies the image name as flt3_itd_detection, and.
represents the current directory. -
Run the container named
with the image:docker run -it --name mytest -v /local_directory:/container_directory flt3_itd_detection:1.0
used for interactive processes--name
used to name the container-v
used to share the local directory and container directoryNote: In case of the container stopped, you have to re-launch the same Docker container that was running before stopping. To do this use the following command:
# start the container docker start mytest # run the container docker exec -it mytest /bin/bash
perl FLT3_ITD_ext.pl -b input_bam_file -o output_path [opts]
--bam, -b Input bamfile (either this or fastq1+2 required)
--typeb, -t Reads to extract from input bam (defaults to "targeted" [FLT3-aligned]; or can be "loose" or "all")
--fastq1, -f1 Input fastq1 (either fastq1+2 or bam required)
--fastq2, -f2 Input fastq2 (either fastq1+2 or bam required)
--output, -o Output path (required)
--ngstype, -n NGS platform type (defaults to "HC" [hybrid capture]; or can be "amplicon", "NEB", or "Archer")
--genome, -g Genome build (defaults to "hg19"; or can be "hg38")
--adapter, -a Trim adapters (defaults to true; assumes illumina)
--web, -w Create html webpages for each ITD call (defaults to false)
--umitag, -u BAM tag holding UMIs in the input bamfile for fgbio (defaults to ""; standard is "RX")
--strat, -s Strategy for UMI assignment used in fgbio GroupReadsByUmi (defaults to "adjacency" )
--probes, -p Probes/baits file basename (defaults to ""); assumes fasta file, bwa indexfiles
--minreads, -mr Minimum number of supporting reads to be included in VCF (umi-based if umitag set)
--debug, -d Save all intermediate files (defaults to false)
--help, -h Print this help
Run FLT3_ITD_ext on the test data:
mkdir FLT3_ITD_ext_result
cd FLT3_ITD_ext_result
perl /biosoft/FLT3_ITD_ext/FLT3_ITD_ext.pl -b /testdata/ITD.28608018.21.29.9.rmdup.bam -o ./
- ITD.28608018.21.29.9.rmdup_FLT3_ITD.vcf (the VCF file of FLT3-ITD information)
13 28608018 c.1927_1942+5dup C CTGTACCTTTCAGCATTTTGAC . . GENE=FLT3;STRAND=-;SVLEN=21;CDS=c.1927_1942+5dup;AA=;AR=0;AF=0;DP=0;VD=0;AAR=0;AAF=0;RAR=0.3055;RAF=0.234;RDP=179.5;RVD=42;SAMPLE=ITD.28608018.21.29.9.rmdup_FLT3 AR:AF:DP:VD:AAR:AAF:RAR:RAF:RDP:RVD:CR 0:0:0:0:0:0:0.3055:0.234:179.5:42:0,0,0,0,42,0
- ITD.28608018.21.29.9.rmdup_FLT3_ITD_summary.txt (the TXT file of FLT3-ITD information)
ITD.28608018.21.29.9.rmdup_FLT3 21 c.1927_1942+5dup 0,0,0,0,42,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.3055 0.234 42 179.5
python3 ScanITD.py -i input_bam_file -r indexed_refenence_genome_fasta -o output_vcf_filename_prefix [opts]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT, --input INPUT
-r REF, --ref REF reference genome in FASTA format (with fai index)
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
output prefix
-m MAPQ, --mapq MAPQ minimal MAPQ in BAM for calling ITD (default: 15)
-c AO, --ao AO minimal observation count for ITD (default: 4)
-d DP, --depth DP minimal depth to call ITD (default: 10)
-f VAF, --vaf VAF minimal variant allele frequency (default: 0.1)
-l ITD_LEN, --len ITD_LEN
minimal ITD length to report (default: 10)
-n MISMATCH maximum allowed mismatch bases of pairwise local alignment
(default: 3)
-t TARGET, --target TARGET
Limit analysis to targets listed in the BED-format file or a samtools region string
-k, --keep Keep the ITD build BAM file
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
Run ScanITD on the test data:
mkdir ScanITD_result
cd ScanITD_result
python3 /biosoft/ScanITD/ScanITD.py -i /testdata/ITD.28608018.21.29.9.rmdup.bam -r /path/to/ucsc.hg19.fasta -f 0.02 -l 3 -t /biosoft/FLT3.bed -o ITD.28608018.21.29.9
Note: Mount the directory with the docker run -v
, then use your local ucsc.hg19.fasta.
ITD.28608018.21.29.9.itd.vcf (the VCF file of FLT3-ITD information)
chr13 28608019 . . <TDUP> . . NS=1;AO=23;DP=250;AB=0.092;SVLEN=21;SVTYPE=TDUP;SVMETHOD=ScanITD_ALN;CHR2=chr13;END=28608039 GT 1/1
python3 pinITD.py -I [input_vcf_file] -O [output_vcf_prefix] -T [bed_file]
-I [input.vcf], --input [input.vcf]
The VCF file of the Pindel result
-O [output_vcf], --output [output_vcf]
The VCF file of the Pindel post-processing result
-T [bed_file], --target [bed_file]
The BED file of FLT3 target is required if it is not provided in the Pindel program
-h, --help help message
- We recommend running Pindel firstly using the following command:
./pindel -f /path/to/chr13.fa -i /path/to/samplename.config -c chr13 -o samplename -j /path/to/FLT3.bed
./pindel2vcf -r /path/to/chr13.fa -R hg19 -d 20110721 -P samplename -G /path/to/gatk -e 5 -he 0.01 -v samplename.vcf
- We provided ITD.28608018.21.29.9.vcf to test:
mkdir PinITD_result
cd PinITD_result
python3 /biosoft/pinITD.py -I /testdata/ITD.28608018.21.29.9.vcf -O ITD.28608018.21.29.9
ITD.28608018.21.29.9.pro.vcf (the processed VCF file which only report the FLT3-ITD mutations)
chr13 28608016 . T TACTGTACCTTTCAGCATTTTG . PASS SVLEN=21;SVTYPE=ITD;VAF=0.16216216216216214 GT 0:1
If you have any questions, please contact one or more of the following folks: Beifang Niu [email protected]; Danyang Yuan [email protected]; Xiaoyu He [email protected].