The identification and tracking of these Convective Cells through out their lifetime are of great significance in the weather and climate system. The present study developed an autonomous Python-based algorithm for the identification and tracking of Convective Cells using Doppler Weather Radar (DWR) reflectivity images and the preliminary results are discussed. The proposed algorithm implements Deep Neural Network-based Computer Vision (CV) approach for the identification and tracking of Convective Cells using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) engine "Tesseract"
- Install Anaconda software : From Here
- After Installation open Anaconda Prompt (Anaconda Command Line)
- Type the following commands in the command line to install all the necessary libraries:
conda install -c conda-forge opencv
conda install -c conda-forge imutils
conda install -c anaconda numpy
conda install -c conda-forge pytesseract
conda install -c conda-forge scikit-image
conda install -c anaconda scipy
conda install -c conda-forge argparse
Download the tesseract OCR through this link. Path to executable file:
- Windows: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Tesseract-OCR\tesseract.exe"
- MacOS & Linux: "/usr/local/bin/tesseract" or Find the .exe by typing
sudo find / -name "tessdata"
on terminal.
Use the command line to execute the python script with the necessary arguments:
- To run Algorithm 1 - "TwoImages_ConvectiveCellTracking" execute the following command.
run –image1 PathToImage1 –image2 PathToImage2
- To run Algorithm 2 - "FolderOfImages_ConvectiveCellTracking" execute the following command.
run -f PathToFolderContainingAllImages
- Google Colab
- Kindly use the following code to install necessary packages and to mount your drive.
!pip install pytesseract
!sudo apt install tesseract-ocr
from google.colab import drive
- Other IDEs for Python