<% if (isProjectOnNpm) { -%> <% } -%> <% if (projectVersion && !isProjectOnNpm) { -%> <% } -%> <% if (projectPrerequisites) { -%> <% projectPrerequisites.map(({ name, value }) => { -%> <% }) -%> <% } -%> <% if (projectDocumentationUrl) { -%> <% } -%> <% if (isGithubRepos) { -%> <% } -%> <% if (licenseName) { -%> <% } -%> <% if (authorTwitterUsername) { -%> <% } -%>
<% if (projectDescription) { -%><%= projectDescription %> <% } -%> <% if (projectHomepage) { -%>
🏠 Homepage
<% } -%> <% if (projectDemoUrl) { -%>
✨ Demo
<% } -%> <% if (projectPrerequisites && projectPrerequisites.length) { -%>
<% projectPrerequisites.map(({ name, value }) => { -%>
- <%= name %> <%= value %> <% }) -%> <% } -%> <% if (installCommand) { -%>
<%= installCommand %>
<% } -%> <% if (usage) { -%>
<%= usage %>
<% } -%> <% if (testCommand) { -%>
<%= testCommand %>
<% } -%> <% if (authorName || authorTwitterUsername || authorGithubUsername) { -%>
<% if (authorName) { %> 👤 <%= authorName %> <% } %> <% if (authorWebsite) { -%>
- Website: <%= authorWebsite %> <% } -%> <% if (authorTwitterUsername) { -%>
- Twitter: [@<%= authorTwitterUsername %>](https://twitter.com/<%= authorTwitterUsername %>) <% } -%> <% if (authorGithubUsername) { -%>
- GitHub: [@<%= authorGithubUsername %>](https://github.com/<%= authorGithubUsername %>) <% } -%> <% if (authorLinkedInUsername) { -%>
- LinkedIn: [@<%= authorLinkedInUsername %>](https://linkedin.com/in/<%= authorLinkedInUsername %>) <% } -%> <% } -%> <% if (issuesUrl) { -%>
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page. <%= contributingUrl ? You can also take a look at the [contributing guide](${contributingUrl}).
: '' %>
<% } -%>
Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you! <% if (authorPatreonUsername) { -%>
<% } -%> <% if (licenseName && licenseUrl) { -%><% if (authorName && authorGithubUsername) { -%>
Copyright © <%= currentYear %> [<%= authorName %>](https://github.com/<%= authorGithubUsername %>).
<% } -%>
This project is <%= licenseName %> licensed.
<% } -%>
<%- include('footer.md'); -%>