Agilemind is an advanced AI-powered system designed to enhance the project management process. It leverages Gemini AI models to analyze Software Requirements Specifications (SRS) and generate comprehensive project implementation plans. This interactive platform simplifies the collaboration across various team roles, fostering a dynamic and efficient project management environment.
- Automatically analyzes the SRS to identify key requirements.
- Prompts targeted questions for further clarification, addressing both technical and functional aspects.
- Generates a detailed plan outlining major project phases.
- Refines these phases into epics and user stories.
- Facilitates question-and-answer sessions for each project phase.
- Tailored for different team roles such as product managers, developers, QA specialists, and UX designers.
- Each story includes a description, assigned tasks, suggested story points, and a confidence level.
- Refactor Button: Enables story refinement by breaking down complex stories with high story points or enhancing stories with low confidence by adding analysis or POC tasks.
- Dependency Visualization: Provides an interactive graph to visualize dependencies among stories, aiding in efficient project planning and execution.
- Supports various user roles with specific functionalities.
- Includes functionality for managers to create projects and assign team members.