study notes of ucb cs61a-summer2024 Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
cs61a DAY44 (120-hours learning time so far)
Finished This course:
- time cost: 124h
Finished lab11: programs as data, macros
- time cost: 1.9h
Finished hw11: programs as data, macros
- time cost: 0.5h (bingo!)
cs61a DAY42 (120-hours learning time so far)
Finsihed Project4: Scheme Interpreter (Final project of cs61a, yeah!!!) Beautiful project!
- Time cost: 15h
- I spent a lot of time reviewing the material because the new semester started, and I had to deal with a lot at the beginning, which caused me to pause the project for a few days. Every time I restart work on the project, I need some time to recall what I did last time and to remember the structure of the project.
Finsihed Lab 9: Scheme
- Time cost: 1.4h
Finished Lab 10: Interpreters
- Time cost: 4.1h
Finished HW 07: Scheme
- Time cost: 1h
Finished HW 08: Scheme Lists
- Time cost: 4h
- cs61a DAY33( 90-hours learning time so far)
- Finished Project3-Ants: My faviorite peoject so far. You will have a lot of opportunities to practice OOP techniques in this project. Feel more comfortable to finish this project.
- Time cost: 10h + 0.8h (optional questions).
- Test Records:
- cs61a DAY31
- Finished: HW10: SQL
- Time cost: 1.1h
- Finished: Lab12: SQL
- Time cost: 1.1h
- Finished almost all Lectures, start to work on Project3-Ants
- cs61a DAY28
- Finished: HW05: Generators
- Time cost: 1.5h
- Course Lecture(12th week):Finished 26 scheme, 27 scheme lists, 28 calculator
- cs61a DAY27
- Finished: Lab08: Mutable Trees
- Time cost: 2.4h
- Finished: HW06: OOP, Linked Lists
- Time cost: 2.3h
- Finished: HW04: Sequences, ADT Trees
- Time cost: 1.5h
- cs61a DAY26
- Finished: Lab07: Lab 7: Inheritance, Linked Lists
- Time cost: 2.0h
- cs61a DAY24
- Finished: Lab06: Obeject Oriented Programming
- Time cost: 3.5h
- cs61a DAY22
- Finished: Lab05: Mutability, Iterators
- Time cost: 3.5h
- Really good lab design, finished all the question(optional included) and got a better understanding of "Mutability and Iterators", actually these concepts are used in Project2-cats.
- cs61a DAY21
- Finished: Project2-Cats
- Time cost: 10h
- Spent more time than project1, wish I could finish project with less time.
- cs61a DAY20
- Finished:
- Lab03: Recursion,List,List Comprehension- Time cost:0.9h- Lab04: Tree Recursion, Data Abstraction- Time cost:1.9h
- Lab03 is easier than homework03. Eager to finish the last question of lab03, I got up at 4:30am today and spent about 10 minutes finshed it, this feeling is quite good!
- Lab04's Dictionaries and Data Abstraction are not difficult, most time spent on "Q3: Buying Fruit", still trying hard to solve every Recursion question!
- cs61a DAY19
- Finished HW03:Recursion
- Time cost: 4h
- Spent quite a lot time on the topic of Recursion. Try to understand amazing recursive leap of faith!
- cs61a DAY17
- Finished HW02:Higher-order Functions
- Time cost: 0.6h
- cs61a DAY16
- Finished Lab02
- Time cost: 2.3h.
- It's been ten days since last update, cause I just finished my three examinations at August(Epidemiology/Image analysis and Understanding/Fundamental concepts of statistics). I really had an intensive summer vacation. I also improved my understanding of Deep learning/Statistics/Causality through this summer, the first academic year I finished 13 Courses and two semesters'German course. But I also find that I have forgotten some knowledge about cs61a and 61b, maybe I should do a quick recap of what I have learned ten days ago.
- Project1-Hog Finished, all points got.
- Finished project1 problem 8-11.
- time cost: 2.2h.
- time cost for project1:6.8h
- Finished project1 problem2-5. Spent some time to debug an error in problem4 but found when trying to solve problem5.
if num_factors(score) == 3 or 4:
- this syntax will cause the condition to always be True because 4 itself is a non-zero value, which is considered True in Python.
- time cost: 1.9h.
- Finished Lecutre_objects.
- Finished project1 problem1. Spent quite some time to understand question description(I thought I could finish the first question in 5 minutes!), the good point is that I deepen my understanding of high order function through this process.
- Test record:
- time cost: 1h.
- Finished project1 problem6-7
- time cost: 1.7h.
(miniconda3) (base) niko@NIkodeMacBook-Air hog % python3 ok -q 07
Assignment: Project 1: Hog
OK, version v1.18.1
Running tests
Test summary
9 test cases passed! No cases failed.
Backup... 100% complete
- Finished hw01
- time cost: 1.2h.
- Test record:
- Different solution for question Q3: Largest Factor:
- solution1(official website): highly efficient, only need to calculate the largest factor and return the number.
factor = n - 1
while factor > 0:
if n % factor == 0:
return factor
factor -= 1
mine: not efficient, but can store factors in the list
m = []
for i in range(1, n-1):
if n % i ==0 :
return max(m)
- Finished lab00
- time cost: 5min