By Alexandre (aka elbereth) Devilliers
Check the running live website at
This is part of what makes the Dash Ninja monitoring application. It contains:
- dash-node.php : is a php implementation of Dash protocol to retrieve subver during port checking
- dashblocknotify : is the blocknotify script (for stats)
- dashblockretrieve : is a script used to retrieve block information when blocknotify script did not work (for stats)
- dashupdate : is an auto-update dashd script (uses git)
- dmnbalance : is the balance check script (for stats)
- dmnblockcomputeexpected : is a script used to compute and store the expected fields in cmd_info_blocks table
- dmnblockdegapper : is a script that detects if blocks are missing in cmd_info_blocks table and retrieve them if needed
- dmnblockparser : is the block parser script (for stats)
- dmnctl : is the control script (start, stop and status of nodes)
- dmnctlrpc : is the RPC call sub-script for the control script
- dmnctlstartstopdaemon : is the start/stop daemon sub-script for the control script
- dmncron : is the cron script
- dmnportcheck : is the port check script (for stats)
- dmnportcheckdo : is the actual port check sub-script for the port check script
- dmnreset : is the reset .dat files script
- dmnthirdpartiesfetch : is the script that fetches third party data from the web (for stats)
- dmnvotesrrd and dmnvotesrrdexport: are obsolete v11 votes storage and exported (for graphs)
- Dash Ninja Back-end:
- Dash Ninja Database:
- Dash Ninja Front-End:
- PHP 5.6 with curl
Important: Almost all the scripts uses the private rest API to retrieve and submit data to the database (only dmnblockcomputeexpected uses direct MySQL access).
- Go to /opt
- Get latest code from github:
git clone
- Get sub-modules.
- Configure the tool.
- Copy to and setup your installation.
- Add dmncron to your crontab (every minute is what official Dash Ninja uses)
*/1 * * * * /opt/dashninja-ctl/dmncron
If you want to enable logging, you need to create the /var/log/dmn/ folder and give the user write access. Then add "log" as first argument when calling dmncron:
*/1 * * * * /opt/dashninja-ctl/dmncron log
- Add dmnthirdpartiesfetch to your crontab (every minute is fine, can be longer)
*/1 * * * * /opt/dashninja-ctl/dmnthirdpartiesfetch >> /dev/null
- You need /dev/shm available and writable.
- Edit to indicates each of your nodes you wish to retrieve block info from.
- You can either retrieve block templates (bt = true) and/or block/transaction (blocks = true). For the later you need to have txindex=1 in your dash config file.
- Add in each of your nodes in dash.conf a line to enable blocknotify feature:
- Restart your node.
- On each block received by the node, the script will be called and data will be created in /dev/shm.