TicTacToe NodeJS application
API requirements: • create a new game (it can either be single player or multiplayer) • join an existing game (with id provided when new game was created) • make a new move • get live results via subscription • get history for a game by id
Technical requirements: • TypeScript must be used • GraphQL must be used • some sort of DI must be used
Remarks: • for single player, AI moves can be random (better implementation is a plus) • usage of database is not needed (but make a system where it can be easily added in the future) • try to create a meaningful logging system • extend game if needed to cover any potential game related problems • README.md file should be present in the root of the project, explaining: ◦ how to run the project ◦ architecture considerations ◦ whatever relevant for others to know or pay attention to • solution should be provided as a git repository (github, bitbucket) • for debugging purposes Altair GraphQL client can be used (subscriptions especially)
- startup application
- study how to manage state of the application with stateless implementation without a database