A Slack bot that automatically provides a link to JIRA issues written in channels.
First, create a new bot user on your Slack team, please read Slack bot users. You will obtain a bot access token that is needed below.
Then run the bot:
java -jar jirabot.jar -jia http://MY-JIRA-URL-HERE/browse -jrs http://MY-JIRA-URL-HERE -t BOT_AUTH_TOKEN_HERE (-p proxyhostifany:port) (-u jirauserifneeded:jirapwd)
Option -jia will be used as base address when expanding links
Option -jrs will be used as Jira REST API endpoint
Option -jfmt and -jmode control display
Option -t specifies the bot authentication token (cf first step)
Option -p allow to specify an http(s) proxy, if needed
For more info, run bot with -h.
Slack access thanks to the Simple Slack API.
Check the Kotlin coding conventions