ICASSP 2024: Analysis of the Memorization and Generalization Capabilities of AI Agents: Are Continual Learners Robust?
To run experiments:
Use ./utils/main.py --seed 0 --dataset rot-mnist --model eqrm --lr 0.1 --n_epochs 1 --batch_size 512 --eqrm 0.9999 --env_batch 3 --balance 0.5 --heldout 6 --minibatch_size 64
to run experiments.
arguments explanation:
batch_size: batch size from data stream
eqrm: alpha in our formulated problem
env_batch: the number of batches to estimate the environemtal distribution
heldout: the index of leftout roation to test the generalization 0 -> 0, 1 -> 25, 2 -> 50, ..., 6 -> 150
minibatch_size: the size of batches to estimate the environmental distribution
We used the framework of https://github.com/aimagelab/mammoth for our experiments