Processes hdf5 output from NeuroRDv3 to produce graphs of molecules for one or more files, which use same morphology but can have different other parameters. To process multiple files, the first part of file name must be the same for all files, and parameter variations are specified as -par1-par2. In addition, the set of files MUST use the same morphology file and MUST use the same discretization (specified in the top level model file). If the set of files differ in morphology, then each file must be processed separately. Graphs are generated for either a set of specified molecules, or all molecules if none are specified. Basal value, peak and minimum are also printed, where basal value is calculated between two specified timepoints (basal_start basal_end).
First, download NeuroRDanal form the GitHub website. Make sure they are in a subdirectory called "NeuroRDanal". Set your python path to the directory containing NeuroRDanal. For example, if NeuroRDanal is in the home directory of the user, then use the bash command: export $PYTHONPATH=$HOME.
To run the program from within python, type
ARGS="subdir/fileroot -par par1 par2 -mol mol1 mol2 -start 100 200 -tot tot_species_file" execfile('path/to/file/')
from outside python, type
python subdir/fileroot -par par1 par2 -mol mol1 mol2 mol3 -start basal_start basal_end -tot tot_species_file
- mol1 mol2, etc are the names of molecles to process
- par1 and optionally par2 are used to construct filenames as "subdir/fileroot"+"-"+par1+"*"-"+par2+"*"
- DO NOT use hyphens in filenames except for preceding parameter name
- if no parameters specified, then fileroot needs to be full filename (excluding the .h5 extension)
- If only a single file is specified, will plot multiple trials; if multiple files, plots the mean over trials for each file
- to_species_files containes a list of molecule forms to total, e.g. pPDE10 and pPDE10cAMP to calculate total pPDE10
- num_stim - number of LTP trains - used to determine when stimulation is over for calculating area under the curve
- write_trials - whether to write feature values for individual trials
Other parameters to adjust in program (have not yet been added to arg parser)
- outputavg - set to 1 to create region average output files to read into your favorite graphin software
- showplot - set to 2 to plot the spine head concentration
- stimspine - list of spine heads that received stimulation
- spinehead - name of your spinehead region (from morphology file)
- dendname - name of your dendrite (from morphology file)
- mol_pairs - list of lists, to generate plots of one molecule versus another parameterized by time
- pairs_timeframe - to specifiy start and end time for the mol_pairs plots
- feature_list - specify list of features, such as AUC or amplitude, to plot versus parameter
Class file for analyzing a single NeuroRD output file. Determines which voxels are part of which region or structure, e.g. dendrite, spine, submembrane, and then calculates molecule concentration for each region or structure.
Class file for analyzing a set of NeuroRD output files. Extracts features such as peak amplitude, area under the curve (AUC), minimum value, plateau, baseline
Utilities used by for creating graphs
Utilities used by for creating region averages
Calculate LTP/LTD signature from two sets of molecules, separately for spines and dendrites, by adding together the specified molecules, and then calculating area under the curve (and above the specified thresholds)
To run the program from within python, type
ARGS="subdir/fileroot,par1 par2,LTPmol1 LTPmol2,LTDmol1 LTdmol2,basal_start basal_end, T_LTPd T_LTPsp T_LTDd T_LTDsp",
from outside python, type
python "subdir/fileroot [par1 par2] [LTPmol1 LTPmol2] [LTDmol1 LTdmol2] [basal_start basal_end] [T_LTPd T_LTPsp T_LTDd T_LTDsp]"
- LTPmol1 LTPmol2, etc are the names of molecles which produce LTP is sufficiently high (and hinder LTD)
- LTDmol1 LTDmol2, etc are the names of molecles which produce LTD is sufficiently high (and hinder LTP)
- T_LTPd T_LTPsp T_LTDd T_LTDsp are thresholds - defining "sufficiently high"
Utilities used by for creating graphs
Utilities used by for creating region averages
Processes text file output from NeuroRDv3 to produce graphs of molecules for one or more files, which use same morphology but can have different other parameters. In other words, the set of files MUST use the same morphology file and MUST use the same discretization (specified in the top level model file). If the set of files differ in morphology, then each file must be processed separately. Don't use this unless you can't get the hdf5 output to work.
First, download NeuroRDanal form the GitHub website. Make sure they are in a subdirectory called "NeuroRDanal". Set your python path to the directory containing NeuroRDanal. For example, if NeuroRDanal is in the home directory of the user, then use the bash command: export $PYTHONPATH=$HOME.
To run the program from within python, type .. code-block:
ARGS="subdir/fileroot,par1 par2,mol1 mol2,basal_start basal_end" then execfile('')
from outside python, type
python neurord_analysis "subdir/fileroot [par1 par2] [mol1 mol2] [basal_start basal_end]"
- mol1 mol2, etc are the names of molecles to process
- par1 and optionally par2 are used to construct filenames as "subdir/fileroot"+"-"+par1+"*"-"+par2+"*"
- basal_start and basal_end are the time, in seconds, prior to stimulation to use for calculating basal values
- DO NOT use hyphens in filenames except for preceding parameter name
- if no parameters specified, then fileroot needs to be full filename (excluding the .txt extension)
Utilities used by neurord_analysis for reading the first header line and determining which columns of data belong to which molecule, which voxel, and which region of the morphology.
Utilities used by neurord_analysis for plotting the NeuroRD output
Program to read in the text file outputs of and generate a file of molecule-space-time samples - one line per file - for statistical analysis. Alternatively, generate signature traces (normalized sum of a subset of the molecules) and plot them.
Create an IC file (initial conditions) from an h5 file, presumably simulated with stimulation to find the steady state. Parameters:
- name of .h5 file (without the file extension)
- 'start_time end_time' specify the time frame for obtaining average concentration
- IC_file - name of initial condition file to update (without the file extension)
- Rxn_file - name of reaction file (without the file extension). Used to determine which specifies diffuse
python3 h5file '' '' 'start_time eend_time' IC_file Rxn_file
two empty strings are required because it uses the same arg parser as