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andrei-neon committed Oct 14, 2024
1 parent 31d1950 commit dd31b5e
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Showing 3 changed files with 32 additions and 355 deletions.
335 changes: 16 additions & 319 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,326 +1,23 @@
import inspect
import json
import logging
import os
import pathlib
import random
import sys
import time
import typing as tp
from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum

import base58
import pytest
from _pytest.config import Config
from _pytest.config.argparsing import Parser
from requests import Session
from solders.keypair import Keypair

from utils import EthAccounts, Faucet, NeonChainWeb3Client, Web3Client

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

TestGroup = tp.Literal[

TEST_GROUPS: tp.Tuple[TestGroup, ...] = tp.get_args(TestGroup)

class EnvName(str, Enum):
NIGHT_STAND = "night-stand"
RELEASE_STAND = "release-stand"
MAINNET = "mainnet"
DEVNET = "devnet"
TESTNET = "testnet"
LOCAL = "local"
TERRAFORM = "terraform"
GETH = "geth"
TRACER_CI = "tracer_ci"
CUSTOM = "custom"

class EnvironmentConfig:
name: EnvName
evm_loader: str
proxy_url: str
tracer_url: str
solana_url: str
faucet_url: str
network_ids: dict
spl_neon_mint: str
neon_erc20wrapper_address: str
use_bank: bool
eth_bank_account: str
neonpass_url: str = ""
ws_subscriber_url: str = ""
account_seed_version: str = "\3"

def pytest_addoption(parser: Parser):
choices=[env.value for env in EnvName], # noqa
help="Which stand use",
help="Store tests result to file",
known_args = parser.parse_known_args(args=sys.argv[1:])
test_group_required = True if known_args.make_report else False
help="Test group",

parser.addoption("--envs", action="store", default="envs.json", help="Filename with environments")
help=f"Don't clear file",

def pytest_sessionstart(session: pytest.Session):
"""Hook for clearing the error log used by the Slack notifications utility"""
keep_error_log = session.config.getoption(name="--keep-error-log", default=False)
if not keep_error_log:

def pytest_configure(config: Config):
network_name = config.getoption("--network")
envs_file = config.getoption("--envs")
with open(pathlib.Path().parent.parent / envs_file, "r+") as f:
environments = json.load(f)
assert network_name in environments, f"Environment {network_name} doesn't exist in envs.json"
env = environments[network_name]
env["name"] = EnvName(network_name)
if network_name in ["devnet", "tracer_ci"]:
for solana_env_var in solana_url_env_vars:
if solana_env_var in os.environ and os.environ[solana_env_var]:
env["solana_url"] = os.environ.get(solana_env_var)
if "PROXY_URL" in os.environ and os.environ["PROXY_URL"]:
env["proxy_url"] = os.environ.get("PROXY_URL")
if "DEVNET_FAUCET_URL" in os.environ and os.environ["DEVNET_FAUCET_URL"]:
env["faucet_url"] = os.environ.get("DEVNET_FAUCET_URL")
if "use_bank" not in env:
env["use_bank"] = False
if "eth_bank_account" not in env:
env["eth_bank_account"] = ""

# Set envs for integration/tests/neon_evm project
if "SOLANA_URL" not in os.environ or not os.environ["SOLANA_URL"]:
os.environ["SOLANA_URL"] = env["solana_url"]
if "EVM_LOADER" not in os.environ or not os.environ["EVM_LOADER"]:
os.environ["EVM_LOADER"] = env["evm_loader"]
if "NEON_TOKEN_MINT" not in os.environ or not os.environ["NEON_TOKEN_MINT"]:
os.environ["NEON_TOKEN_MINT"] = env["spl_neon_mint"]
if "CHAIN_ID" not in os.environ or not os.environ["CHAIN_ID"]:
os.environ["CHAIN_ID"]: env["network_ids"]["neon"]

if network_name == "terraform":
env["solana_url"] = env["solana_url"].replace("<solana_ip>", os.environ.get("SOLANA_IP"))
env["proxy_url"] = env["proxy_url"].replace("<proxy_ip>", os.environ.get("PROXY_IP"))
env["faucet_url"] = env["faucet_url"].replace("<proxy_ip>", os.environ.get("PROXY_IP"))
config.environment = EnvironmentConfig(**env)

def env_name(pytestconfig: Config) -> EnvName:
return # noqa

def operator_keypair():
with open("operator-keypair.json", "r") as key:
secret_key = json.load(key)[:32]
return Keypair.from_secret_key(secret_key)

def evm_loader_keypair():
with open("evm_loader-keypair.json", "r") as key:
secret_key = json.load(key)[:32]
return Keypair.from_secret_key(secret_key)

@pytest.fixture(scope="session", autouse=True)
def allure_environment(pytestconfig: Config, web3_client_session: NeonChainWeb3Client):
opts = {}
network_name = pytestconfig.getoption("--network")
if network_name != "geth" and network_name != "mainnet" and "neon_evm" not in os.getenv("PYTEST_CURRENT_TEST"):
opts = {
"Network": pytestconfig.environment.proxy_url,
"Proxy.Version": web3_client_session.get_proxy_version()["result"],
"EVM.Version": web3_client_session.get_evm_version()["result"],

yield opts

def web3_client_session(pytestconfig: Config) -> NeonChainWeb3Client:
client = NeonChainWeb3Client(
return client

@pytest.fixture(scope="session", autouse=True)
def faucet(pytestconfig: Config, web3_client_session) -> Faucet:
return Faucet(pytestconfig.environment.faucet_url, web3_client_session)

def accounts_session(pytestconfig: Config, web3_client_session, faucet, eth_bank_account):
accounts = EthAccounts(web3_client_session, faucet, eth_bank_account)
return accounts

class JsonRPCSession(Session):
def __init__(self, url):
super(JsonRPCSession, self).__init__()
self.url = url

def send_rpc(
method: str,
params: tp.Optional[tp.Any] = None,
req_type: tp.Optional[str] = None,
) -> tp.Dict:
req_id = random.randint(0, 100)
body = {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": method, "id": req_id}

if req_type is not None:
body["req_type"] = req_type

if params:
if not isinstance(params, (list, tuple)):
params = [params]
body["params"] = params

resp =, json=body, timeout=60)
response_body = resp.json()
if "result" not in response_body and "error" not in response_body:
raise AssertionError("Request must contains 'result' or 'error' field")

if "error" in response_body:
assert "result" not in response_body, "Response can't contains error and result"
if "error" not in response_body:
assert response_body["id"] == req_id

return response_body

def get_contract_code(self, contract_address: str) -> str:
response = self.send_rpc("eth_getCode", [contract_address, "latest"])
return response["result"]

def get_neon_trx_receipt(self, trx_hash: str) -> tp.Dict:
return self.send_rpc("neon_getTransactionReceipt", params=[trx_hash.hex()])

def get_solana_trx_by_neon(self, trx_hash: str) -> tp.Dict:
return self.send_rpc("neon_getSolanaTransactionByNeonTransaction", params=[trx_hash.hex()])

def wait_finalized_block(rpc_client: JsonRPCSession, block_num: int):
fin_block_num = block_num - 32
while block_num > fin_block_num:
response = rpc_client.send_rpc("neon_finalizedBlockNumber", [])
fin_block_num = int(response["result"], 16)


def ws_subscriber_url(pytestconfig: tp.Any) -> tp.Optional[str]:
return pytestconfig.environment.ws_subscriber_url

def json_rpc_client(pytestconfig: Config) -> JsonRPCSession:
return JsonRPCSession(pytestconfig.environment.proxy_url)

def web3_client(request, web3_client_session):
if inspect.isclass(request.cls):
request.cls.web3_client = web3_client_session
yield web3_client_session
def web3_client():
return NeonChainWeb3Client(f"http://{os.environ.get('PROXY_IP', '')}:9090/solana")

def web3_client_sol(pytestconfig: Config) -> tp.Union[Web3Client, None]:
if "sol" in pytestconfig.environment.network_ids:
client = Web3Client(f"{pytestconfig.environment.proxy_url}/sol")
return client
return None

def web3_client_usdt(pytestconfig: Config) -> tp.Union[Web3Client, None]:
if "usdt" in pytestconfig.environment.network_ids:
return Web3Client(f"{pytestconfig.environment.proxy_url}/usdt")
return None

def bank_account(pytestconfig: Config) -> tp.Optional[Keypair]:
account = None
if pytestconfig.environment.use_bank:
if pytestconfig.getoption("--network") == "devnet":
private_key = os.environ.get("BANK_PRIVATE_KEY")
elif pytestconfig.getoption("--network") == "mainnet":
private_key = os.environ.get("BANK_PRIVATE_KEY_MAINNET")
key = base58.b58decode(private_key)
account = Keypair.from_secret_key(key)
yield account

def eth_bank_account(pytestconfig: Config, web3_client_session) -> tp.Optional[Keypair]:
account = None
if pytestconfig.environment.eth_bank_account != "":
account = web3_client_session.eth.account.from_key(pytestconfig.environment.eth_bank_account)
if pytestconfig.getoption("--network") == "mainnet":
account = web3_client_session.eth.account.from_key(os.environ.get("ETH_BANK_PRIVATE_KEY_MAINNET"))
yield account
def faucet(web3_client) -> Faucet:
return Faucet(f"http://{os.environ.get('PROXY_IP', '')}:3333", web3_client)

def accounts(request, accounts_session, web3_client_session, pytestconfig: Config, eth_bank_account):
if inspect.isclass(request.cls):
request.cls.accounts = accounts_session
yield accounts_session
if pytestconfig.getoption("--network") == "mainnet":
if len(accounts_session.accounts_collector) > 0:
for item in accounts_session.accounts_collector:
web3_client_session.send_all_neons(item, eth_bank_account)
accounts_session._accounts = []
def accounts(web3_client, faucet):
return EthAccounts(web3_client, faucet)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -370,17 +67,18 @@ def v4_router_test(accounts, v4_router, position_manager, web3_client, faucet):
print(f"V4 address: {v4.address}")
print(f"Pool manager address: {pool_manager.address}")
print(f"Position manager address: {position_manager.address}")
print(f"Accounts: {accounts}")
deployed_contracts = dict()
for name in [
# "V4Router2.t.sol",
# "V4Router3.t.sol",
# "V4Router4.t.sol",
# "V4Router5.t.sol",
# "V4Router6.t.sol",
# "V4Router7.t.sol",
# "V4Router8.t.sol",
# "V4Router9.t.sol",
contract, _ = web3_client.deploy_and_get_contract(
Expand All @@ -389,7 +87,6 @@ def v4_router_test(accounts, v4_router, position_manager, web3_client, faucet):
constructor_args=[v4.address, pool_manager.address, position_manager.address],
# "@uniswap/v4-core/": f"{os.getcwd()}/lib/v4-core/",
"forge-std": f"{os.getcwd()}/lib/v4-core/lib/forge-std/src",
"solmate/": f"{os.getcwd()}/lib/permit2/lib/solmate/",
"permit2/": f"{os.getcwd()}/lib/permit2/",
Expand Down

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