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Sylius Wishlist Bundle

This bundle adds wishlist functionality to Sylius e-commerce platform. It can be configured to use single or multiple wishlists per user, which can be public or private.


  1. require the bundle with Composer:
$ composer require webburza/sylius-wishlist-bundle
  1. enable the bundle in app/AppKernel.php:
public function registerBundles()
  $bundles = [
    // ...
    new \Webburza\Sylius\WishlistBundle\WebburzaSyliusWishlistBundle(),
    // ...
  1. add configuration to the top of app/config/config.yml:
    - { resource: "@WebburzaSyliusWishlistBundle/Resources/config/config.yml" }

Among other things, this provides configuration entries which can then be overriden in your app's config.yml.

    multiple: true           # multiple wishlist mode
    default_public: false    # used for automatically created wishlists
    account_manageable: true # users can manage their wishlists in their account
  1. register routes in app/config/routing.yml
  resource: "@WebburzaSyliusWishlistBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"

  resource: "@WebburzaSyliusWishlistBundle/Resources/config/routingFront.yml"
  prefix: /wishlist

  resource: "@WebburzaSyliusWishlistBundle/Resources/config/routingAccount.yml"
  prefix: /account/wishlists

As you can see, there are three groups of routes, the main resource (administration) routes, frontend routes, and user account routes where the user can manage their wishlist(s), create new ones, mark them public/private, etc...

  1. The bundle should now be fully integrated, but it still requires database tables to be created. For this, we recommend using migrations.
$ bin/console doctrine:migrations:diff
$ bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate

Or if you don't use migrations, you can update the database schema directly.

  $ bin/console doctrine:schema:update
  1. If you're integrating this bundle into an existing project, your existing users will not have any wishlists associated. This is not an issue as wishlists are automatically created when needed. All new users will automatically have a wishlist created for them from the start.

If you want to make sure all your users have wishlists, you can run a command which will create initial wishlists for all existing users which do not already have one.

$ bin/console webburza:sylius-wishlist-bundle:create-initial

Integration on shop pages

Now that you've installed and integrated the bundle, the users can view their wishlists, create new ones, etc, depending on bundle configuration, but they still have no way of adding products to wishlists. Since each project will have custom product pages, this implementation is up to you. It can be done in two ways.

  1. Simple

Since 'add to wishlist' functionality is almost the same as adding items to cart, the simplest way to finalize integration is to add a new 'Add to wishlist' button next to the 'Add to cart' button in the existing form.

Open the template containing your 'add to cart' form, most likely in: app/Resources/SyliusShopBundle/Resources/views/Product/Show/_addToCart.html.twig

Find the 'add to cart' button, by default:

<button type="submit" class="ui huge primary icon labeled button"><i class="cart icon"></i> {{ 'sylius.ui.add_to_cart'|trans }}</button>

And under it, add the following line.

{% include '@WebburzaSyliusWishlist/Frontend/Shop/_addToWishlist.html.twig' %}

This will include the 'Add to Wishlist' button, and all required functionality. It will also feature a dropdown if the user has more than one wishlist, to enable the user to select which wishlist they want to add the item to.

The dropdown will only be rendered if the user has more than one wishlist.

  1. Custom AJAX implementation

An alternative is to implement your own, fully custom 'add to wishlist' functionality. To accomplish this, submit data to the webburza_wishlist_frontend_add_item route.

    url: '/wishlist/item/',
    type: 'POST',
    data: {
        productVariantId: 123,
        wishlistId: 456 // optional
    success: // ...

You can also submit the data in the same format as in the first example (the 'add-to-cart' form), both examples use the same route, and both accept variant data to be resolved (first example), or an already resolved productVariantId.

Wishlist badge

You might also want to feature a badge in your header which links to the wishlist and shows the current number of items added, similar to the existing cart badge.

To do this, just add this line to the bottom of the same file app/Resources/SyliusShopBundle/Resources/views/Cart/_widget.html.twig

{% include '@WebburzaSyliusWishlist/Frontend/Shop/_badge.html.twig' %}

Translations and naming

The bundle has multilingual support, and language files can be overridden as with any other bundle, by creating translation files in the app/Resources/WebburzaSyliusWishlistBundle/translations directory.

To get started, check the bundle's main language file in: Resources/translations/messages.en.yml


This bundle is available under the MIT license.


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Wishlist bundle for the Sylius e-commerce platform.







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