This is a public repository for our paper Decoupled Sequence and Structure Generation for Realistic Antibody Design.
# clone project
git clone
# setup environment
source scripts/
- Download
from the SAbDab download page. - Move
- Unzip with
We use the data-preprocessing scripts provided by MEAN.
cd MEAN # in ASSD/MEAN directory
bash scripts/ summaries/sabdab_summary.tsv all_structures/imgt
bash scripts/ summaries/rabd_summary.jsonl all_structures/imgt summaries/sabdab_all.json
bash scripts/ summaries/skempi_v2_summary.jsonl all_structures/imgt summaries/sabdab_all.json
# copy data splits to ASSD/data
mkdir -p ../data && \
rsync -avm --include='*/' \
--include='train.json' \
--include='valid.json' \
--include='test.json' \
--include='*.pdb' \
--exclude='*' \
summaries/ ../data/
# data pre-processing for ESM2
cd ../ # in ASSD directory
bash scripts/
bash scripts/
bash scripts/
We first fine-tune/evaluate the sequence design model ESM2, then use its sequence predictions \hat{s} to train/evaluate the structure prediction model MEAN. For more information on running MEAN, please visit the MEAN github page.
# Step 1: Sequence design
bash scripts/ # training sequence design model
bash scripts/ # evaluate AAR
bash scripts/ # average results across all folds
# Step 2: Structure prediction
bash scripts/ # generate sequence -- i.e., the input of the structure prediction model
cd MEAN # in ASSD/MEAN directory
GPU=0 bash scripts/ summaries 111 mean 9901
GPU=0 bash scripts/ summaries 111 mean 0
# Step 1: Sequence design
bash scripts/ # training sequence design model
bash scripts/ # evaluate AAR and CoSim
# Step 2: Structure prediction (MEAN)
bash scripts/ # generate sequence -- i.e., the input of the structure prediction model
cd MEAN # in ASSD/MEAN directory
GPU=0 MODE=111 DATA_DIR=summaries/cdrh3 bash mean 3
GPU=0 MODE=111 DATA_DIR=summaries/cdrh3 bash 0
We deeply appreciate the following works/repositories, on which our project heavily relies.
- Structure-informed Language Models Are Protein Designers for training/testing pipelines of the sequence design model.
- MEAN: Conditional Antibody Design as 3D Equivariant Graph Translation for data-preprocessing and the entire structure prediction model.
- Evolutionary Scale Modeling as the pLM adopted for the sequence design model.
- Scoring function for automated assessment of protein structure template quality for tm-scoring of the generated structures.